Chapter 5

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The ever enigmatic Katherine. He's mentioned her. Once. Slip of a tongue perhaps or just a lack of judgment on his part. They were drinking an awful lot that day, but now she wonders if vampires can actually get drunk. She merely asked him if he's ever been in love. He had admitted he has. Once upon a time.

"It doesn't matter anymore, she's gone," he states taking a big swallow of scotch.

She asked him her name and he'd simply said Katherine. The way he said her name seemed like the three spoken syllables left scorched marks on his tongue. He never spoke of her again and so she concludes that obviously the relationship had not ended well. Her heart went out to him, despite their short time with each other he had quickly become a member of the short list of people Blair Waldorf cared about. He deserved to be happy.


He didn't mean to tell her about Katherine. He didn't know how they got to this place where the pseudo friendship turned into a real one. They were drinking a lot and he could tell she was getting a little more than tipsy, which could account for the number of indiscretions she confessed to him. He, on the other hand, was completely sober. The undead doesn't need to process alcohol, although he certainly enjoys the taste of it. Kind of like breathing. Technically he doesn't have to, but old habits die hard and he likes the semblance of being human. Maybe that's why he said it. She made him feel more human than he has for a while. He just… wanted to share something true about himself to her because yes, she really is his friend. Perhaps his only one.


"Katherine," she repeats.


"I always assumed that she was dead…"

"Well… technically she is. But then again so am I. We're both vampires."

She knows that he's not like other people, but hearing it said out loud was another thing."He's dead. He's not a real person. He's avampire. That kills human beings." The truth hits her a little bit harder now that the shock has worn off. The day has proven to be full of revelations. She finds her head spinning with the information. She stumbles a little and he quickly catches her arm.

"Blair? Are you okay?"

He almost sounds concerned for a blood thirsty monster straight out of a horror movie.

"I just found out that vampires exist and is currently being accused of being a witch," she pauses to give him a fiery glance. "How do you think I am?"

She wrenches her arm out of his grasp and starts pacing back and forth carefully avoiding the prone body of Damon's lunch still sprawled on the ground.

He knew that the clever exchange snark and barbs was going to end eventually, that her coping mechanism will ultimately fail and she'll realize what a predicament she's in. He just needs to make sure that now that the Novocain has worn off he can convince her to do what he needs her to do.

"I need a witch to open that tomb."

"So you can be reunited with you beloved. Yeah, yeah, yeah…"

"Are you going to help me?"

She continues to pace for awhile, her hand moving to her lips to bite her nails the way she usually does when she's stressed. It's a habit she's trying to kick and the moment her fingertips reach her lips she immediately remembers and thrusts them to her side. She looks almost funny marching the way she is with her arms at her side ramrod straight. He'd laugh if he thought she would find humor in the situation. She's always been a bit obsessive about maintaining the "proper mannerisms of a lady", but it's the discipline in her that he admires. She crosses her arms and moves towards a chair to sit down.

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