Tattoos and shoes

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                                                                         **image credit - Google**

Looking at the clock, I realized it's just past five and the weekend is officially here. It's Friday night, everyone will be going out drinking and having fun. My plans for the evening included a pizza and a movie at home alone. That's when my best friend and coworker, Monica, burst through my office door. "So, a friend of a friend just texted an invite to a party tonight. You're coming with me. No excuses, you need to get out and have some fun."

I sighed, "I'm really not into it this evening. I made plans for a chill night at home with my dog."

She laughed, but then rolled her eyes at me. "Fine, but at least go shopping with me? I want to find a cute dress to wear out." I sighed, wearily agreeing and off we went.

We decided to walk down to the cute new boutique, just a couple of blocks from work. We caught up on each other's day and sprinkled in a little girl talk along the way. The boutique was a gold mine, delivering everything you'd need for a night on the town. While we were browsing, I found your typical LBD. Thin straps, form-fitting and just short enough to keep the guys interested. I nudged Monica. "Here, this is perfect! You'll find a man tonight for sure."

"Oh, yeah, I love it! I'm going to keep looking before I try things on." We continued to browse and a few feet away I heard her squeal. "Oh my god, you have to buy these! They're perfect and your long legs would look amazing in them."
Shoes. Not just any shoes, high heels. The infamous red bottoms that she knew deep down how much I've always wanted to own a pair. "No. First of all, I'm 5'10. Second of all, I look like a newborn giraffe learning to walk when I have on heels. No."

Ignoring my protest, she flipped them over to check the size. "They'll fit you, and there's only one pair left. I believe the universe is trying to tell you something."

"Yes," I replied, "The universe loves my credit card. You're insane if you believe I'm charging a pair of Louboutin's, no matter how pretty they are." Taking them from her, I sat them back down and continued shopping.

Next thing I know she was shoving me into a dressing room and tossing the LBD and shoes in with me. Sighing in defeat and knowing she wouldn't let me out until I've changed, I gave in. Once I've got the dress and shoes on I turned to face the mirror. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face. I instantly felt confidence rushing through my bloodstream as I stepped out of the dressing room. "Jenna!" Monica gasped, "You look hot. You're buying those and coming with me tonight. You have to!"

Turning back to the mirror again, I looked myself over, I did like how it looked. I felt sexy and she was right, I haven't been out in ages. It wouldn't kill me, right? What's the worst that could happen? Monica also found the perfect outfit to wear for the night, opting for a cute, strappy sequined top to pair with her favorite jeans and boots. With those items and minimal effort in the makeup department, she would look amazing as usual.

While waiting in line to check out, we laughed about how we could switch outfits since we were the same size. The walk back to work went quickly and we drove to my house to get ready.

Once we were ready to go, she drove us to the party. The house was really cute and I was thankful there weren't many cars there.
Inside we mingled and Monica started talking to a cute guy. I knew then I'd be on my own for the rest of the night. Suddenly, I was regretting this decision and wanted that pizza!

That's when I heard his voice. Smooth, slightly raspy and angelic. Standing across the room was the most handsome man I had ever seen. My nerves were instantly on fire just from breathing the same air as him again. From across the room, his ocean blue eyes connected with mine and he smiled. Every previous encounter we've had came flooding through my brain. I was nailed to the floor.

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