Tattoos and shoes - Chapter Two

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**image is my own**

Stirring lightly, not yet ready to awaken from my steamy dream, I sighed. Why do I dream about him so frequently? Ugh, segments of my dream flashed into my head again making me blush. It was so surreal, I swear I could actually feel his warm skin on mine. That's the first time I've dreamt of him in that way, hopefully not the last.

I cracked one eye open just enough to see the sunlight is already dancing through my bedroom window. The birds residing in my favorite tree, sweetly serenaded me, bringing a smile to my lips. Why were my lips sore? And my face felt razor burned. That's weird.

I stretched my arms above my head to start my morning ritual of bed yoga. I brought my arms back down, wrapped them around my right leg and pulled it toward me. My muscles screamed at me. Why was I so achy? Was I coming down with something?

The fog in my head finally lifted and I catapulted into a seated position. My swollen center, made itself well known and proved last night's encounter, what felt like a dream, was in fact, very real.  

"Oh my god," I murmured . I let out a squeal and fell on my back again.

"Jenna! Are you awake yet?" Monica inquired through my bedroom door.

She didn't even wait for my response, instead she barged in, and flung herself onto the bed next to me. Snuggling into a pillow, making herself at home, she said "Please tell me that was who it looked like coming out of the closet with you last night."

Nodding, my cheeks reddening, I replied, "It was. I thought it was a dream."

Now she's the one squealing. "OH. MY. GOD. I told you that LBD and those shoes would catch someone's eye! I bet he liked your tattoo, didn't he?" Wagging her eyebrows at me, requesting details of my night "Tell me everything. Holy shit, Jenna. He was your first one night stand."

Giggling, she added, "Way to go big or go home." Continuing her inquisition, she asked, "Speaking of big..."

That's when I hit her in the head with a pillow.

"I'm not telling you anything. What happened is between Jared and I.
Besides, it's not like it'll ever happen again. He's way out of my league."

"Ok, first of all, the entire living room heard you screaming his name."

"Seriously?" I choked.

"Oh yeah," she snickered, "Second, he followed you around like a lost puppy all night. Dude hardly took his eyes off you. He's definitely interested."

I scoffed, then told her, "He asked for my number, so I guess we'll see. I'm not holding my breath. The ball is in his court now."

"Yeah, but they were deep in your court last night!"

"You're awful!" I yelled.

"I know," she confirmed, "but that's why we're best friends!"

"Are we?" I answered, both of us giggling like teenagers.

Shaking my head at her insanity, I nudged her arm, "Let's go downstairs and get some coffee, I want to hear about your night too."

Come to find out she really likes the guy she met, Paul. After getting caught up, we both showered and got ready for our respective days. She's off running errands and I decided to chill at home for a while.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and walked out onto the balcony, my favorite spot in my home.  Plopping down in my cozy chair, I opened my phone to catch up on social media. I saw a text from an unknown number.

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