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First of all, I would like to say that I know this book is going to be long and that you probably do not want to read all of it. If you do want to read all of it then move forward and enjoy :) and if you do not want to read all of this, skip to the chapter that you are here for, all of the chapters are labeled! 

With all of that being said, welcome! This is music for writing. If you are like me and struggle to write without music, or if you have hit writer's block, need some inspiration, or motivation, this is the book for you!

I will always take suggestions and continue to update the playlists whenever. Music is good to motivate you when you write, or just to take a break from writing and listen to. I apologize in advance if you do not like the playlist, everyone has their own taste in music. I also apologize if I do not have as many songs for a certain category. 

Please leave suggestions for songs or even genres. Please skip a song if you do not like it, find the songs you like and create your own playlist, everyone has their own style!

Please help me write this book, I could use all of the help I could get, everyone can contribute.

Please do not suggest inappropriate songs, and please do not be offended if I do not use your suggested song. I will try my best to listen to the suggested song and put it into the best-suited category or the category suggested with it.

Without further adieu, enjoy the book! 

Music Playlists to Motivate Your WritingWhere stories live. Discover now