Chapter 3

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Senior year.

"Well in the course of events, I believe you are on the road to insanity." I said dryly. I winced softly, more for the effect than actual pain, as Ben threw a punch at my arm.

"It's gonna happen." He said smuggly, as we both entered the realm of stupidity. Some also call it school. People with shaggy, long hair riding their skateboards across the lot, attempting to impress the cheerleaders. Attempting, I may say again. Cheerleaders with their hunky, chunky jock boyfriends, most likely making out beside the waterfountains, as hopeless nerds watch in awe. Classy highschool we have.

Ben had this amazing idea that if he were to spend all night blowing up waterballoons and he brought them to school, he would get the attention he desired oh so much from Annabelle Collins. She wasn't exactly the head cheerleader, but she was the 'it' girl. Everyone wanted to be her and whoever denied it, was lying. Except for Izabella Rhodes. My Faulkner.

As we stopped by my locker, gray and dismal, I continued my conversation with Ben, "Dude, we aren't in first grade. Bringing a bucket of water balloons is the stupidest idea I've ever heard." I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed the remaining books I needed until lunch.

"Whatever you say." He said defeatedly. I knew I probably hurt his feelings; he was a sensitive guy. Let alone he was the only guy that was willing to be my bestfriend. No one else wanted the job. Not since i was 9.

I paused and just stared at my locker, "Look dude, I'm sorry. One day Annabelle will see you as the handsome, under rated, dipshit you are," I looked at him and smirked.

We both started pounding on each other and laughing hysterically, as we made our way to first period. The hallway was crowded, as it always was 2 minutes before the bell, and we had to dive into the crowd of people willingly pushing our selves past the big blocks of people.

Unfortunately, today wasn't quite my lucky day. As I was swayed, like a child left unattended in a current, I bumped into her. Faulkner.

She looked at me, with remorse or some other sickening emotion I wasn't ready for, and I tried to will the red from my cheeks to dissapear. But before I could stammer those measely words like 'hello' or 'how have you been the past 9 years?' or anything, I got drifted away from her. I watched her contently, as the crowd started washing out.

She had a big grin on her face, like the time we once discovered a bird nest by my house when we were little kind of grin. I looked where her eyes met up, and saw Clint Masters. I died a little on the inside. It was her boyfriend. Of course.

My inner self~destructive reverie was interupted by Ben's blatent statement, "Dude, you're drooling again." I sighed and turned my head away from her.

The crowd thinned out immensely and Ben and I walked to our first period, which thankfully we shared. He sat down next to me in the back corner, as per usual. "So," he started, "You and Izabella have some sort of history right?" He eyed me carefully, unsure how this was gonna go.

"You've only been my friend since the 5th grade, dumbnuts." I said, thinking back on the wonder years before middle school.

He chuckled his weird Ben chuckle and said, "Oh yeah, I got annoyed a lot that first year, because all of our conversations were all basically devoted to her." 

"Yeah," I said. I sighed dramatically, "I wonder what happened to being 'besties for life'."

He looked at me sadly, like an old hound at the shelter that never got adopted. He cleared his throat, "Well," he glanced away from me to the floor as he continued, "People change Rus. Maybe she changed before school that year. Maybe, she just didn't want to be your friend anymore." 

I winced. Maybe Ben was right, but I was devoted to believe he was wrong. "You don't understand. We are the adventure buddies. We loved each other. Maybe her love was displayed as friendship, but I was okay with that!" I felt on the verge of tears. But of course I wasn't going to cry. Not here and not now.

"Man, you've only had 3 relationships during our whole friendship. And you ruined all of them because of her." He said. But he was right. I broke off all of my relationships as soon as they started getting serious. I didn't want anyone the way I wanted her.

I nodded to Ben, and class started up. I wasn't in the mood for anything right now. I just wanted to have self-pity for myself, since I couldn't muster any courage to talk to her when I had the chance. The only chance I've had for 9 years. She avoided me at all costs. I didn't even know what I did wrong to deserve this.



Author's note: Yeah I know it's kindof a crap ending, but the cards landed where they may. If thats how the saying even goes.... Well keep reading if you're into it. Thanks and love you all!!

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