Chapter 3

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Amya lifted her head off the wet floor. She sat up opening her dark brown eyes. The teen looked around the dimly lit room. She was sitting in a long hallway. A wall was shadowed behind her. She got up off the floor and looked around at the small hallway. There were pictures lined up on the gray metal. Amya walked up to the ten pictures in curiosity. As she neared close to the pictures, they became more clear. The pictures were of her and her friends. Amya walked backwards, falling on her butt. Two of the pictures were marked out. Chad and Atlas' pictures had a bloody crimson X covering them. She knew Chad was dead, but was Atlas.

Her head started to hurt as it processed all the information. Salted tears started to fall down her pale white face. Her long curly brown hair scrunched in Amya's green nails. She grabbed her knees, pulling them into her thin chest. Her cries getting louder as she was growing more stressed. Her cries and screams were suddenly cut off as laughter and yelling filled Amya's ears. She slowly lifted her head up and looked around. She spotted where the noise was coming from and ran over to the now clear wall.

Hadley stood on the opposite side of the wall. Her voice as clear as day as she argued with with shadowy figure that stood in front of her. "For the last time, what do you want with me and my friends?!" Her voice getting louder with every word.

The demon smirked at her question. This was the 10th time the girl had asked the question. Every single time he would put on a greedy smile and tell her that it was a surprise. The look on her face was enough to fill him with power. This time though, the demon grasped her chin with his black hand. He looked at her purple eyes with hunger. Hadley returned the deathly stare with annoyance glisten through her stare.

The demon then let her chin go and turned towards Amya with the same power he had just gained from Hadley. The girl shook with fear running through her body. The demon then snapped his fingers making all the lights flicker on. The once dim hallway was brightly lit, it showed off all the traps and obstacles that stood in front of the other wall. There was mostly just stone pillars and blocks they had to jump over or avoid. There was a lava pit that made the player have to swing or jump over using the rope.

The demon smiled at his creation as he walked over to the lever that had appeared only moments ago. "Well i don't want to stall time, so have fun."
His grin increased as his hand pulled the lever down to the ground. A rum sounded, as the walls behind Amya and Hadley opened up to saws. Both of the girls' faces lit with fear as they quickly started moving away from the two shiny blades. The once smiling demon was now gone from sight as he teleported away to safety.

Amya looked at the shaking Hadley, then the now moving blade. Her backwards walk turning into a forward sprint to the course. The teen's steps echoed off the dimly lit wall. Sweat dripping from her fear and anxiety. Once she reached the first stone, she dodge it without a second thought. The only thing going through her mind was winning. 'I have to make it back. I have a family!' Amya's thoughts screaming at her.

Most of the course was made easy. It was meant to be easy. It was like he knew the players would get cocky and then die right before his eyes. And he was right. Amya got cocky. She passed the stones and made it to the pit filled with burning lava. A rope hung from the ceiling . Bits of it burnt from the heat. She quickly jumped for the rope, thinking it was fair. She was wrong. As soon as she grabbed the thick rope it fell. Her screams filled the room as she sunk into the boiling lava.

She didn't die though. Demons don't do mercy. Their favorite part is watching their victims suffer. What really happened with that lava is quite sad. As soon as Amya fell into the lava she slipped into water. The water burned her already burnt skin, because of the cold. Her body then fell onto the cold metal ground. The burned girl's body hurt all over. She could barely move. The shadowy figure stood only feet, as he laughed at Amya's helplessness. His feet started to move closer until they were at her head. The demon then grabbed her arms and pulled her up to her feet. Amya let out a glass shattering scream. Pain engulfed her body. She slowly opened her eyes to her surroundings as the pain numbed. The room let out another scream, but not because of physical pain. Emotional pain, for a lost friend. Right in front of Amya was her friend.

Atlas hung in front of her, dead. A hook harshly punctured her head, sticking out of her once bright blue eye. Dried up blood coated her face and cloths. Her body hung motionless and pale. Atlas' right eye was still open and covered with fear. Sweat and tears shined in the dim white light that hung from the ceiling.

Tears fell from Amya's face. "W-what did y-you do to m-my f-f-frien-d."
The demon grabbed the girl's torn up and burnt shirt as he pulled her away from the dead girl. Amya tried to pull back, but the pain from her burns didn't let her. As they reached the end of the never ending room, the shadow of a monster dropped heron the cold metal floor and left the room. A sudden buzz made her jump, as the wall a few meters away started to close. Amya sighed as she took one last look at her dead friend.

The door opened again. A tall, skinny man walked in. He had raven hair and dark gray eyes. A smirk appeared on his face as he look at the teen. "Oh this is going to be fun."
The man walked over to the wall as he grabbed something that was hidden by darkness. He then walked back over with a red switch. Amya gave him a confused look. Her fear covered the look with sweat and tears running down her messed up face. The man then left through the door as he flipped the switch. Another wall opened up, but this time it wasn't a dead person.

Three dark black wolves stood behind the door. Hunger hung over their eyes as they started moving closer to their dinner. Amya started to back away from them as pain shot through her body. She cried out, hoping for someone to hear. Sadly no one heard. Not even the screams that followed from being torn to shreds by hungry dogs.

Hello again and please don't murder me. Also i forgot to mention the lava wasn't molten lava. It was a type of extremely hot liquid that looked like lava. I wanted to explain this so people don't attack me for not killing her off at the lava. Another thing, I am so sorry I was late. I kinda couldn't figure out what comes next, so. I hope you enjoy the chapter though. Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night.

The author

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