Chapter 4

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Reed jolted up, sweat dripping from his forehead. He looked around the hot room, only now noticing his hands tied up above his head.His calm manner slowly disintegrated as he pulled against the restraints. The boy's head whipped around, looking at the fire that surrounded him. His breathing became unstable as he looked around for an escape.

A door suddenly crack open, interrupting his search. A man walked in, smiling as he looked at the sweaty boy in the center of the room. The man was tall. His black hair slicked over the right side of his head. His red eyes shimmered with a black ring surrounding the crimson color. His black shirt tight around his torso, stopped at the base of his jeans. He continued to walk, only stopping at the teen. The man looked at the boy, studying him. His elf shaped ears hearing for any noise.
Once he was finished, the man stepped back and grinned. "You my boy, are very lucky." His voice was deep and low. "The only one so far to be able to see my handsome face."

Reed shifted uncomfortably. He tried to back away, the chains stopping him. "Who-o are y-you." The boy's words shaking, as if they were on a bridge.
The man grabbed on to Reed's shirt, his icy grip digging into the poor boy's skin. The demon pulled the boy close. His breath thing steady as he listened to the unstableness of Reed's breath.
"Calm down my child." He met the boy's chocolate eyes. "I am the demon that with make you suffer, die, then eat you whole. I will burn you until your skin is black, make you scream until your lungs pop, and make you wish you could go to heaven right now."

The boy started shaking. His already messed up breathing, going faster and faster. He tried pulling at the chain, trying to find anyway to get out of the maniac's grasp. The demon then let go, walking to one of the walls. He looked back at the boy, as he grabbed one of the many torches that covered the walls. His smile grew in the light, walking back over to the boy.

The torch flickered as it moved forwards the boy with the help of the devil's hand. The wooden stick stopped when it was only inches away from the small boy's chest. The man's free hand lifted up the Reed's white t-shirt. His chest coated in a layer of sweat from the heat. A small burn slowly became visible as the torch was put only millimeters away. Tears fell on the redden chest as screams left Reed's mouth. The screams grew louder, the closer the flames got. The demon letting his skin char and blacken, bits of ash falling to the ground.

Finally he pulled away, letting the beautiful burn settle. Reed's screams didn't soften though. He looked down at his torched chest. Tears falling and making the pain even worse. The monster walked back to the wall, setting the torch in its rightful place. His footsteps echoing, as he made his way back over to the charred victim.

Reed turned his eyes away from his chest, looking at the man with fright. He saw the demon's hand lift up. The boy knew what was coming.

The man looked at the boy, his hand making its way closer to the black chest. He then grabbed the blackened bits of skin and started pulling the other direction. Screams muffled the laughter of the man. Bits of skin flaking on the ground, as glossy flesh was revealed. The demon kept pulling at it, digging his claws into Reed's chest, while drawing blood.

The demon finally stopped, his hand bloody from the clawing. He then walked back over to the wall, this time going towards the door, opening it, then walking out. It gave Reed some time to think about his fate. He was going to die and no one would care, or even cry for him. His numbed pain reminding him of all the pain he has caused others. His cries became worse as he looked back on his poor life.

The crying stopped when the door suddenly open back up. The horrid man stepped inside the brightly lit room, as he walked towards the sad boy. In his hand held a metal pole.A ball was located at the end of the staff. The demon then snapped his fingers, a fire then lit up with another man walking out of it. He looked at the new man, whispering something then, handing the staff to the other guy and walking out. 

The other devil then quickly walked over to the boy. He grab a tube that was above Reed and attached it to the staff. Reed's fear came rushing back as he could only imagine what that torture device did, and when that tube showed up. As the boy frantically looked around, the other guy pulled one of the torches out and simply walked out, not wanting to annoy the other demon.

As the machine started up, the ball on the staff started to glow a orange color. The color on Reed's face disappear, he figured out what the machine was used for. As the staff suddenly came alive, it moved to Reed's back. He tried to move away from it, but the chains and his wound denied his request. The hot metal presses against his back. His screams filling the room. Slowly the metal moved all over his body. The skin twisting and burning. Pieces of charred skin plucked off as another machine started pulling the blackened layers off like before. His skin turning red and black. His face contouring in different directions, as the metal moved to more sensitive regions. His screams became worse. His want to die becoming higher and higher. Pieces of flesh, big and personal parts, just falling off from the intense burning. I should be dead, why am i not dying? His thoughts interrupted by the pain of the burning metal moving up to his face. His screams becoming louder as the seconds moved by. The metal finally moved to his face. It burning and blackening, the more the metal pressed down. His vision finally began to blur, his time was up and he was happy about it. As his face became unrecognizable and started to peel off, Reed took his last breath.

Hello my darkened friends. I am back with chapter 4. Sorry it took some time. My inspiration for well everything is kinda running out so. I hope it doesn't sound forced. I hate when i produce stuff that feels forced and rushed. Anyway have a nice day/night.
The author


The demon then walked in looking at his dinner. The face laying on the ground, so burned you couldn't even tell where the eyes where. His body also black. Bits of skin flaking off. He smiled as he inched closer ready to devour his next meal.

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