7 | Fights.

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Adam and Caitlyn got up and threw their empty coffee cups away and got ready to part ways since Adam was a different hotel then Caitlyn. She hugged him one last time and smiled warmly as she waved to Adam, who was leaving the hotel. As soon as he left, she sighed and crossed her arms, walking to the elevators for the last time tonight.

Caitlyn waited as the doors dinged open, letting her in as another man walked out. She nodded towards the man and gave him half a smile, who returned the favor. She pressed the floor button and watched the doors close once more, letting the hotel lobby disappear from her sights. Caitlyn waited for what felt like forever, but soon enough, the doors opened, allowing her to step off the elevator.

The halls were empty, as it was reaching close to seven o'clock at night. Caitlyn let out a small yawn as she arrived at her door, fumbling with the keycard that was in her pocket. She carefully slid the keycard in its slot, unlocking the door. Caitlyn slowly opened the white door, not wanting to wake up Kenny, but that wasn't the case. When she opened up the door, there she saw her best friend, staring at her with his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face. Caitlyn's eyes widen as she looked down at her feet, not wanting to look Kenny straight in the eyes.

"Where the hell were you, Caitlyn? This is the second time you've disappeared and didn't answer your fucking phone," Kenny growled, using a much meaner voice instead of his normal, sweet and loving voice.

"I-I was just down in the lobby, Kenny. No need to get all u--" Caitlyn was saying, but quickly got interrupted by a very pissed off Kenny Omega.

"No need to get upset?!" Kenny questioned, throwing his hands up into the air, "What do you mean by that?! I'm sick and tired of this, Caitlyn! We're best friends! You shouldn't be hiding shit from me. Do you not trust me anymore?!" Kenny asked, making Caitlyn very upset with that last question. She didn't say a word, its like her mind knew what she wanted to say, but she just couldn't. Her mouth wouldn't move.

"I'm going to The Buck's hotel and I'm gonna stay with them for the night. You can sleep here. By yourself. I'll talk to you in the morning. Oh wait, you probably don't even trust me enough to say good morning anymore," Kenny scoffed, shaking his head and taking the keycard off of the nightstand and taking off out of their room, leaving the rest of his stuff behind. Caitlyn didn't turn around, but knew he was gone by the sound of the door slamming behind her.

Caitlyn felt her body start shaking as she leaned against the wall, sliding right down and pulling her knees to her chest. A tear rolled down her cheek as more followed the first. Caitlyn's tears broke out into ugly sobs as she started thinking about what just happened. The more she thought about it, the more she cried. While she was crying, she heard her phone start ringing, playing the tune she had set for both Matt and Nick. Caitlyn hesitated to pick up her phone, and didn't hurry to accept the call. She mustered up the courage and hit the green button, connecting her with Nick.

"Caitlyn? Is everything okay? Kenny came to our hotel and started knocking on the door like he was the hulk or something. When we let him in, he was pretty upset. Matt took him out for a walk to try and calm him down, " Nick said as a wave of worry flowed through his voice, showing his concern for one of his close friends.

"W-We got into an argument, Nick.. I don't know what to do.. It just feels like my entire world is starting to collapse in front of my eyes. So much has happened tonight. Some of which I can't even explain," Caitlyn sobbed, letting a few more tears fall down from her eyes. Breathing became harder for her as she tried to speak more, but the words just stopping coming out.

"I'll be over in a few minutes. Text me your room number and hotel. Don't do anything stupid before I get there, Cait. See you in a few. And don't worry about Matt. I'm gonna text him where i'm going so he knows," Nick said, reassuring Caitlyn that his brother wouldn't get mad at him for leaving. Caitlyn watched as her phone screen dimmed, then shutting off as the call ended. She stood up slowly as her legs wobbled, but she somehow made it to her bed. She slowly texted Nick the hotel and her room number, then started waiting for him to arrive.

Few minutes after Caitlyn had texted Nick, he was there, just like he said he would be. Nick knocked on the door carefully, waiting patiently for her to open up the door. Caitlyn built up her strength made her way over to the door slowly, opening it up. Nick's face looked heartbroken when he saw the girl he had know since she was younger all covered in tear-stained makeup. He hugged Caitlyn tightly, whispering things in her ear in attempt to calm her down. It didn't help that much. She started crying into his chest, staining his white shirt with mascara, foundation, and lipstick. Nick didn't mind though. He just wanted to help out his friend.

"I don't know what to do, Nick... He's my best friend and I feel like he just lost all his trust in me. I really fucked up... Gosh, I'm such an awful friend," Caitlyn mumbled, her head still resting on his chest. Nick rubbed her back slowly, letting go of the hug and sitting her down on the edge of the bed.

"I know this is different, but when my wife and I fight, we take some time to collect ourselves and then we come back together and apologize. By the end of the day, we're back to loving each other and laugh at why we got so upset," Nick spoke softly and slowly, allowing Caitlyn to process each word he had just said. She nodded and wiped away a fear tears that stilled rested on her eyes, smearing her already ruined makeup. "You should get yourself cleaned up, Cait. You look like something out of a shitty romance movie."

Caitlyn smacked his arm and laughed quietly, but nodded along to what he said. They both stood up and hugged each other one last time before Nick walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind him. Caitlyn yawned and walked over to her bags, pulling out a pair of shorts and an oversized AJ Styles shirt. Sure, he was now in the WWE, but his shirts are comfortable as hell to her. Caitlyn walked into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door since she was the only one in the hotel room. She stripped down her clothes and turned on the shower, jumping in right after/

The shower was nice and hot for Caitlyn, allowing her to scrub the makeup off of her face. She took the time to soak in the water and clear her mind, even if it was just for a bit. She needed to get her mind off of Kenny and Adam, and start focusing on her match tomorrow against a mystery opponent. Caitlyn smiled at the thought of her doing what she loved to do. After a while, she turned off the water and got of the shower, wrapping a fluffy towel around her body and drying herself off. She slipped on her clothes and took a smaller towel and drying her hair.

Caitlyn stepped out of the bathroom and plopped on her bed, crawling in and climbing under the covers. She plugged her phone in and set it down on the nightstand. She turned over towards Kenny's bed and was about to say goodnight, but quickly remembered that he wasn't there. Caitlyn sighed and closed her eyes, hoping to get a good night's rest for her match tomorrow, and for her confrontation with


Woo! Early chapter lolol. It feels like forever since i've updated so here you go! I'm hoping my writing skills are getting somewhat better as I go along, so yeah! Thank you all for reading so far! Hope you enjoyed!

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- Abby.

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