14 | Emergency.

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 Caitlyn called Kenny after a few minutes and shook out of fear. The food that was brought to here was ice cold. She had lost her appetite when the texting started. Kenny picked up after a few rings, but didn't say anything. He was expecting her to start screaming at him, but got scared when all she said was, "I'm in danger. Please come to the McDonalds," with fear in her voice. Caitlyn hung up the phone and placed it down, picking up one of the cold fries.

Kenny frantically got up and started rushing his things together, and started heading out the door. He made it to the elevator, pushing a few people out of his way. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Caitlyn's number, anxiously tapping his leg as the elevator went down slower than normal. When the doors finally opened, Kenny rushed out and pulled the phone away from his ear, since Caitlyn wasn't answering.

He managed to hail a taxi over, getting some strange looks due to him trying to rush it over as fast as possible. When it pulled up to the curb, he didn't even give the taxi driver a chance to ask where he wanted to go. He told the address of the McDonald's and offered an extra $20 (around 2200 yen) to get their as fast as possible. The driver nodded and drove off, speeding here and there, but made it within half of the time it would normally take to get there. Kenny quickly paid the driver and rushed out of the seat, almosting slamming the car door.

Kenny ran into the restaurant and spotted Caitlyn sitting in the corner. He walked over and sat next to her, pulling her into a hug. Caitlyn shook from fear, letting a few tears fall from her face. He rubbed her back gently, letting her know it's okay to cry out.

"Caitlyn, it's going to be okay.. I promise. No one is going to hurt you. Me, Hangman, the Bucks, and everyone else in the Bullet Club will make sure you're safe. I swear," Kenny said, reassuring Caitlyn for now. She nodded and wiped her tears, taking a sip out of her watered down coffee, making a disgusted face. Kenny let out a small chuckle and picked up the tray that had her cold fries on them. He took them to the garbage and threw them away, setting the tray in its holder. He came back and sat down in the seats across from her.

"Let me see your phone. I'm gonna try and find out who this is because if its some fucking kid, they are gonna wish they never had a phone," Kenny said, mumbling the last part. Caitlyn held on to her phone. Kenny furrowed his eyebrows at Caitlyn, knowing that she knew something that he didn't.

"It's Johnny.. I recognize that number anywhere.. He's here in Japan.. And he knows where I'm at, where i'm staying, and who I'm with," Were the words that came out of Caitlyn's mouth. Kenny stayed silent for a minute before speaking up.

"We need to get you back to the hotel. This calls for an emergency Bullet Club meeting with everyone," Kenny stated, pulling out his phone and scrolling down in his text messages. There was one group chat that was labeled 'BC Emergency'. He clicked on it and quickly sent out a short little text. The text was read fast by mostly everyone, and got a response pretty quick. Kenny didn't say anything as he took Caitlyn by the hand and led her out of the McDonald's, not telling her where they were going.

Caitlyn followed behind and didn't say a word as Kenny led them to a park that was dimly lit. She looked around and stared at all the small animals that fled once they were spotted. In the middle of the park, Caitlyn saw members of the Bullet Club meeting up and sitting down. Kenny led her over as ¾ of the Bullet Club was sitting down, almost in a circle. It was kinda like a circle that went through a tornado. Kenny motioned Caitlyn to sit down. She nodded and sat down, picking a seat next Toma Tonga. He had a serious look on his face, knowing something had to be wrong for an emergency meeting to be called.

"Alright, I'm gonna cut this short because I know you were all doing something important, probably. Caitlyn is in danger pretty much. After some stuff that went down in our hotel room, she went out. She was at the McDonalds down from here. While eating her disgusting fries, she started receiving texts from none other than Johnny Gargano. The texts aren't very pretty and she's obviously terrified," Kenny said as a Hangman looked over at Caitlyn, mouthing 'Come to my hotel room after this?' to her. She nodded slowly and turned her attention back to Kenny.

Kenny kept speaking until every question was out of the way and answered. Everyone stood up and mingled for a few minutes before saying their goodbyes and heading towards their hotels. Hangman walked up to Caitlyn and hugged her tightly, not letting go right away. He gently whispered in her ear, trying to make it not noticeable. Caitlyn nodded and hugged him one last time before walking over to Kenny, who was waiting for her. He asked Caitlyn if she was ready to leave, which she was, and they started to head off, making sure everyone was getting to their homes/hotels safely.


Kenny and Caitlyn slowly packed up their things. After tomorrow, they would be heading home to Winnipeg. As much as Caitlyn loved Japan, she was homesick. She missed her house and her comfy bed. Caitlyn looked around the hotel room and made sure that she had all of her clothes in her duffle bag. While looking through, she found the gear that she wanted to debut, but had no one to debut it with. Kenny saw how upset Caitlyn was due to her facial expression.

"Is something wrong, Cait?" Kenny asked, alreadying knowing her answer. Caitlyn slowly took out the gear that she had made for Kenny and herself. Kenny looked in awe as he saw the gear. His tights were black with silver lining up the sides. On the right leg, their original logo was planted on it. The smiley face with the robotic angel wings on it. Kenny then looked over at Caitlyn's gear. Her's was pretty much the with her shorts except she had the logo on her left leg. Caitlyn's bra was more silver than black, which the only black on the gear was her arm strap.

"I made these for us to wear on our last match, but I liked your gear better," Caitlyn mumbled as Kenny picked up the tights. He also noticed the matching kick pads that went along with his pants. Kenny hugged Caitlyn tightly, making Caitlyn drop what she was holding. He thanked her and promised to wear it tomorrow to honor her.

Kenny put the gear into his bag that he took the arenas so he wouldn't forget. Caitlyn smiled warmly towards Kenny, making him smile also. She giggled and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. She quickly changed, not caring if Kenny was looking or not. Kenny also changed, since they were both pretty tired. They both climbed into their beds. Caitlyn plugged in her phone, but quickly picked it up when she saw a call coming through.

"Uh.. Give me a few minutes, Ken. I'll be right back," Caitlyn said, getting up and walking outside of her hotel room. She slid her phone on, answering the call. "Mom?.."

"I need a huge favor from you, sweetie."

"Wow. Not even a 'Hey, Caitlyn! How are you? I miss you so much!' Thanks mom."

"Whatever. Anyways, do you think you can loan me $100,000, please? I promise I'll pay you back."

"What the hell? That's a lot! What do you need it for?!"

"Sweetie, calm down. It's not really that important. Can you do it please? For your mom?"

"You started drinking again, didn't you. You started doing drugs again, didn't you?"

"Caitlyn, calm down. I'm trying to get better."

"Don't talk to me until you actually get better. Bye."

Caitlyn hung up the phone and angrily clenched her teeth. It made her so mad that her mother got back into bad habits after doing so well. She opened up the hotel room door and slammed it kinda, waking up Kenny from whatever sleep he was in. He looked over at Caitlyn, who had also slammed her phone down and plugged it in. She let out a sigh and got into her bed once more. Kenny had a concerned look on his face, but decided not to talk about it until the morning.

"Good night, Caitlyn. Sleep well."

"You too, I guess."

"Are you okay?"


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