the vixen

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chapter the first I

*bird's eye view

a beautiful dark haired vixen woke up in her small musty room the smell of toxic cigarettes filled her weak lungs as her eyes automatically began looking for her inhaler, her mother had been in here smoking almost, clueless to the damage those cigarettes will do to her, frantically she wheezed and spluttered desperately from the poisonous air.

"help," the vixens small voice croaked out as the vixen stared longly at the inhaler which was wedged underneath her sobbing sister's legs

"I cant" breplied her sister her mother had badly beaten her and her whole body was stiff, her mother had deprived her of sleep that night and was sentenced into the corner, her mother had checked on her millions of times in the night and if she was caught sleeping her mom would splash freezing cold water over her and spit salt into her eyes.

"I cant" she sobbed harder,  she was scared,if she moved from the corner her mother would attack her again and she had no clue if she could take anymore.

the vixen flopped out of bed like a fish into water and crawled slowly towards her inhaler she inhaled the sweet taste of chemicals like it was water to a man in the Sahara desert she had inhaled too much and became lightheaded but she kept puffing into her mouth.

"HEY, Kelly are you looking to die? and leave me with that monster you selfish brat!" The sister raged

" sorry" Kelly gasped out.
She felt her stomach churning and her head spinning her mind doing wild tricks on her she swayed side to side dangerously like an uneven scale she staggered to her window opened it let in a huge breath of fresh air and unleashed her bowels the taste of sick tears and pity it was all too familiar she pushed herself from the ledge.

into her room, she smiled sweetly at her little sister that had walked into their little prison
The irony
The baby sister was grinning from ear to ear as she clung onto her older sister for she was never around.
"get ready for school I'll drop you baby" she tried to make her voice strong but it sounded too forced

too fake

her other sister unshriveled herself from her ball and as she smelled of damp rotting rags and the vixen gave her instructions

"take a shower and borrow my clothes," she said sternly to her other little sister

she nodded and staggered towards the toilet she was grateful for her older sister without her shed be living in the same footsteps of her wretched mother

"are you not going to school," her sweet little sunshine baby sister said happily

"um I have a shift I can't miss it"

her heart tightened while she lied to her sister that she had a shift when really she had a doctor appointment and gang details to deal with, her little sister didn't need to be apart of her world

no one did

it was too dark

to scary

and nightmares were just the cherry on top with her "job"

her sister let a weak smile but tears were present in those blue eyes of hers

"hey hey hey, now she crouched to see her sister clearer"

"after school, we'll go shopping ok ill get a load of money today I'll be extra nice and get some tips, yeah, now go get ready baby"

"what about momma.."

"no, she's not coming" her heart has grown cold for her and she didn't care.

"she's sick. she needs help... shes getting worse" the sweet naive little girl mumbled

The vixen rolled her eyes at the lies her mother had been feeding the only light in her useless life

"well she has the strength to brutally hurt you yesterday"

"it's my punishment i deserve it I'm lucky to be alive with my wicked satanic ways," the little girl said as if she were a robot

kelly backed away shocked from her sister cold words,
to explain how devasting this was that it wasn't the first time Kelly had seen the light been sucked out of her sibling's lives, sobbing, her hands trembling it was too late to save her little baby

she had been brainwashed

just like the others..

her mother had thrown ice at the fire and let it quench

the fire was gone

nothing but darkness


heya liked the chapter weeeeelllll

comment vote and smile cause you just made my day :)

So this chapter deep right

whoop look at me getting people into feels and shi

the next chapter will be Kellys pov so yayaya

seriously need your feedback on this

these chapters are gonna be really short

but that's the theme I got going for this story sweet and short ....

so Kelly is sick will be explained later on and shes a gang member second to leader she skips school due to the bullying there is really intense her mom is dealing with depression, she has 11 siblings also we will also get to the part on where she buys the pills of local crazy man in a few chapters

ok love all of yous kisses byeeee x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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