Innocence- Sword art online

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Lyrics by Amalee aka LeeandLie

The feelings I kept deep inside

are now screaming at the top of their lungs,

Trying to voice our now infinite vow.

I’ve wandered all my life, relying, on a whim

And that has led me astray,

Light has become my foe, defying everything

While my future fades away

Tonight the moon invites me to the night sky

But my lips hesitate to voice a reply

But even so I’m screaming from the depths of my heart

The feelings I kept deep inside

are now screaming at the top of their lungs,

Trying to voice our now infinite vow.

My strength has brought me this far but if I only had a little bit more

My aim would be an endless blue sky bound by no limitations at all

And when tomorrow reaches out once again

I’ll hear it’s beckoning call

I’ll listen to my heart whenever I’m in doubt

Since its never skipped a beat

While searching for my dreams, I’ll never, miss a step

Because you’re guiding my feet

Tonight the light that’s shining in the night sky

Fills me with pain because I know I can’t fly

But even so I’m yearning from the depths of my heart

The world that was so dark around me has been transformed

By pure blinding light

Always and forever shining on me

You need a dreamer’s heart in order to

Find the sky that’s waiting for you

And when the doubt inside is fading away

The sky will open for you

Inside my heart and memory you linger

I’ll never let this chance slip through my fingers

You give strength so if I can’t break through, 

I’ll think of you

If somehow light becomes your foe

And you’re once again immersed in the dark

Know that the love in your heart knows the way

The feelings I kept deep inside

Will call destiny to open the skies

And as the heavens call out I know I’ll find

The path that leads me to you

The feelings I kept deep inside

are now screaming at the top of their lungs,

Trying to voice our now infinite vow.

My strength has brought me this far but if I only had a little bit more

My aim would be an endless blue sky bound by no limitations at all

And when tomorrow reaches out once again

I’ll hear it’s beckoning call

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