Honey im home!

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It was another slow day at Teller-Morrow Automotive. Jackson "Jax" Teller VP of The Sons Of Anarchy was in the clubhouse drinking a beer. The rest of the club was doing whatever they do. Jax looked towards the door when another Son Filip "Chibs" Telford walked in.

"Jackie boy there is a short browned haired lass outside looking for you." Jax sighed. Damn these clingy crow eaters. The only short browned haired girl he wants to see is locked up. He downed the rest of his drink. "Thanks man." he walked outside stopping in his tracks. There she stood. Looking around waiting patiently for Jax. His smile lit up his face.

The girl standing in front of him was none other than Milo "Pocket" Winston. Opie's younger sister. She had been in prison the past 5 and a half years. She held the club together in some ways. Getting everyone on track for her benefit. She did jobs with them but she wasn't a son. She didn't want to be. She definitely didn't change these past few years.

"Pocket!" the short girl jumped then smiled at Jax. "Grease!!" she squealed in happiness and ran towards Jax tackling him to the ground in a hug. Jax hugged her back tightly and chickled. "Damn woman are you a damn linebacker?" she giggled. "You'd be surprised what i had to learn." Jax honestly didn't want to know what she might have went through inside. It would either piss him off, make him laugh, or scar him for life. "Are the guys inside? I wanna see them!" she asked as she got off of Jax and helped him up. "Everyone except Opie." her relationship with her brother is complicated to say the least. She loves him more than anything but their dad Piney is the wall between them. A lot of their arguments are over him. Opie had gotten arrested a few days before Milo. when he told her Opie wasn't inside she frowned. Jax sighed. He hated seeing her like this. "Donna doesn't like the club after what happened. Blamed us. She's keeping a tight leash."

Milo's hands turned to fists. She loved her sister in law don't get her wrong but all Opie has ever wanted was to be in the club and she is being a selfish bitch about it. "Sometimes i wanna knock her on her ass." Jax threw his arm around her shoulder. "I wouldn't mind seeing that. Now let's go say hi." they walked into the club house where everyone was relaxing. He took notice how she hid behind him.

"Hey ya old fucks! I got you a present!" everyone looked at Jax trying to see who was hiding behind him. Jax sidestepped giving the guys full view of milo. None of the newer members knew who she was but everyone who did yelled her name. She blushed and waved. "Hey guys." Tigs face went from complete shock to pure happiness. "Milo?!" she nodded before she was engulfed in a hug.

The best way to describe Tig and Milo's relationship is father and daughter. Ever since the incident he has done everything he could to protect her and make her proud. Piney didn't appreciate Tig "stealing" his daughter from him but it was his own fault.

-Flashback to when Opie was 16 and Milo was 14-
Piney was in the club house thinking about his kids. His ex wife had taken them with her when she left 10 years ago. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard 2 voices yell "Dad!" he spun around and there were his two babies both with a duffle bag in hand.

"What are you two doing here?" they dropped their stuff, ran over and hugged him tight. Opie looked at him. "We wanted to be with you. We like the club life more." Milo was nodding. "Its more fun here. I miss my uncles." Piney sighed. He didn't want his daughter here. "You shouldn't have come back Milo. you aren't made for this life. You'll get in the way and cause problems for your brother and the rest of us. You'll be no use to us."

With everything Piney told her tears threatened to spill. She broke when Piney told her he didn't want her here. Tig was walking by when he heard the last part. He quickly took Milo away. He was pissed with how Piney was treating his kid. Tig has two daughters of his own but they don't want anything to do with him. He made a vow right there he was gonna protect her with his life. Treat her like his own.

-End of Flashback-

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