Blood Drive

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"Happy i-" she was cut off by someone knocking on the door. "Happy. We're at the table. Lets go." Happy sighed before kissing Milo's head and leaving. God dammit Jax. we were so freaking close. At least Milo had some time to get her thoughts in order. She didn't know she felt. She needed to talk to Gemma. Preparing herself for this talk she got up not bothering to change and found Gem in the office. "Hey Gem."

"Hey baby. I heard what happened? You ok?" depending on which thing she heard the answer varied. All in all though she was ok. "Do you have some time to talk? I need guidance." Gem closed the office door to give them some privacy. "Happy just told me he wanted to be with me." that's great news. Gemma had been patiently waiting for those two to get together. But something was troubling Milo "I didn't get a chance to answer him. Jax called him to church before i could. And i don't know how i feel. This is new to me."

"What was your reaction when he said it? Did your heart beat faster? Did it make you happy? When you're away from him do you think about him, his safety, what he's doing? If the smallest thing he does gets a reaction out of you. You know the answer."

These questions just made Milo more confused. But then she thought back to the time when she had a nightmare and Happy comforted her. It made her smile that he went out of his comfort zone to do that. Then her mind jumped to when they were preparing for the party. That was the first time he had laughed in front of her and she loved it. Then when the Mayans were chasing her. She could have called Tig, Jax, maybe Op. but she called Happy instead. And lastly the kiss they shared before she disappeared it had sent her emotions into overdrive. She wanted it to happen again.

Maybe she did have feelings for Happy. But he was Nomad now. What would that mean for them? He would be gone for who knows how long doing who knows what. She didn't know if this could work. But isn't that what relationships are about? Staying together no matter what? "Thanks for the talk Gem. it helped." Piney walked into the office. "I hope i'm not interrupting. The boys are leaving soon." Gem and Milo walked outside and the guys were packing up their saddlebags. The van had SOA blood drive written on the windows. So the boys were doing a "charity run"

Walking up to Tigs she hugged him. "Have fun and be safe. Do you hear me mister?" Tig kissed her head. "Yes mother." that comment made her smack him across the back of the head. Satisfied with herself she made her way to Happy and wrapped her arms around him. "I'll be back in the morning so don't wait up for me." she nodded and he leaned down and kissed her. The boys cheered and applauded causing the pair to flip them off. Milo said goodbye to the rest of the guys, laughing as Happy shot into the air before they all drove off.

Homecoming//Sons of Anarchy//Happy LowmanWhere stories live. Discover now