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She couldn't. She couldn't be gone, just like that. Jesse was strong, she could do this, she could pull through. Right? Any moment, she was going to open those beautiful eyes and-

"Lukas! Do something!"

Axel's voice startled Lukas enough to make him jump slightly, quickly lifting his head to look at Axel. "You're freezing up, again!" He glowered, which brought back memories for Lukas. Memories he didn't want to remember.

The portal...they had to get to the portal. Then they'd be safe from that...that thing that was currently trying to tear the world apart.

Axel ran through first, but...there was nothing to run through. It was merely a portal gate. But Jesse was quick to light it with her flint and steel, resulting in the purple portal to the Nether to appear before our eyes.

People were yelling and shouting to one another, telling each other to get through that portal as fast as possible. I had full intention of running right through, but I..I couldn't. Axel ran through with Reuben, and Olivia quickly followed, but I was locked in place.

The tentacles of that thing, of that Wither Storm, were reaching in here, attacking Jesse, Petra, and Gabriel. My eyes were wide. Never in my life have I seen anything like this... It was powerful, horrifying...and my friends were fighting that thing.

I wanted to help. I did, I really did. But the sight of just the tentacles alone... I was horrified. I couldn't move to help, yet couldn't move to get to safety either.

Jesse shouted my name, looking back at me with desperate, pleading eyes, but still, I did nothing, just letting out a subconscious exclamation of fear.

Then there was a purple light, a tractor beam, and it pulled up both Gabriel and Petra. I wanted to get them free, I wanted to help them. But my body, paralyzed by fear, just wouldn't let me. I left it up to Jesse, unwillingly.

She pulled Gabriel down, then immediately reached for Petra, but before I could even comprehend what was happening, Jesse was flying at me, and we both went tumbling through the portal.

"Agh, move!" Petra exclaimed, moving Lukas out of the at forcibly as she took his place over Jesse, shouting her name with worry.

Lukas let Petra basically push him out of the way, but stayed close, his breathing quickening slightly. He couldn't even help save Gabriel and Petra that day. If he couldn't even do that...then how was he supposed to save Jesse?

"Does anyone have a Potion of Healing?"

"That won't help if she's not even breathing!"

"Hey! I didn't ask for attitude!"

"He's just pointing out the obvious, don't yell at him!"

They were all shouting at each other, Reuben in an obvious panic as he paced around with worried squeals and oinks. Things were a mess, absolute chaos, without Jesse. She was the voice of reason, of tranquility. She's the only reason Lukas even stayed with them. He...he loved her.

Lukas' eyes suddenly narrowed. After all Jesse had done for him, for everyone here... He'd be damned if he was just going to let this amazing girl die.

Lukas wasn't frozen anymore. Far from it. He moved Petra out of the way, same way she had done to him. "Wha- hey-!" She started, but Lukas just spoke over her.

"Lift her up into a sitting position, I need to take off her armor!" He said quickly, eyes full of sudden determination. Everyone kind of just stared at him for a second before suddenly complying, all of them helping to sit Jesse up a little.

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