Not the Beginning

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"At some point" she thought, "This is going to have to stop." It is interesting how pain works. The initial onset of it seems unbearable, though the level may not even be that high. But one can get used to it, the body and the mind adjusts, simply blocking it out. It is like walking into a dark room and at first the blindness is overwhelming, but after some time, it gets just a little lighter, the eyes adjust, and suddenly without warning you can see. So it is with pain.

She heard her bones crack inside her hand, one by one. The spike of pain shooting though her body was overwhelming at first, but just like the darkness, it became less and less with each moment. Until the next surge hit.

"You ready?" His thick accent sounded ridiculous in light of the apparent joy he experienced torturing her.

She felt a grin escape her. That was a loaded question. 'Ready? For what? More of this. Or giving the answers to his questions and placing everyone she loved in harm's way?'

He looked straight at her. His eyes were cold, but his skin was covered in sweat which glowed in the faint light hanging from the ceiling. She couldn't help herself.

"You smell. Is that what you wanted to know?"

She felt the impact of his fist on her cheekbone and suddenly, black.

Under the pressure of the pain and the continued blows from her adversary the tears she had been suppressing finally escaped. She longed for the normalcy of her life, the mundane. School and all the ridiculousness around it sounded like bliss.

"Do you seriously think you can get me to unite with you this way?" She looked over to the man directing her aggressor to continue. Her tears produced a strength she didn't think she had anymore.


Hey guys! Thank you for checking out my book, please feel free to comment and vote. Enjoy the ride. 

<3 Manu

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