Chapter 6.2-CARAU

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"Hello?" she called not loud enough to be really heard. She snuck through the house like an amateur thief. She stood still and listened to the noises around her. Music was coming down from upstairs. She slowly followed the sound and it got louder and louder. The light was coming from Rafe's room, the door was cracked open. She had a clear view in, but was hidden in the dark behind the door. Elle leaned forward to see more of the room, and there was Rafe, standing facing his dresser fiddling with something. Elle could see his golden smooth skin glowing in the light, he had no shirt and his broad shoulders stood strong. She could see every muscle of his body rolling with every slight move of his body. She felt his energy reaching out to her, like soothing hands massaging her being. She relaxed.

"Rafe," she whispered. He turned around, and immediately lit up with a smile.

"Elle." He breathed, stepped toward her and took her by her waist. He drew her close, and she was fully wrapped in his energy, floating without the weight of the world. She exhaled and smiled at him, loving his tiger stone eyes, his gently smile, his golden warm skin. He kissed her as if they hadn't seen each other in years. Inhaling his sweet smell Elle completely surrendered to the touch of his lips. This was right. Entangled in an endless embrace, they rolled on his bed and kissed with a passion that could enflame the Olympic torch. She was ready, wanting to know him fully and his energy stroked her soul deeply.

"No, wait..." he breathed heavy and gently pushed her away. She kept kissing, and he fought to keep his strength of reason.

"No, seriously, Elle. Wait." He stopped abruptly, and held her tight so she couldn't move.

"Not now. We have to be sensible."

"What?" she half screeched. She felt utterly rejected and ashamed for making the assumption that he was feeling the same as she was.

"Elle, don't get me wrong. I really want to be with you. But I have....I have....dam it Elle. I just can't right now." He wanted to be stern but his voice betrayed him. He gently kissed her on the forehead.

Her overwhelming desires had completely fogged over her initial reason for finding him. "Why didn't you tell me?" She demanded abruptly.

His confusion was evident because he wrinkled his forehead with questions.

"My mother told me. Your family is leaving? Why? Where?" She hyperventilated with her words.

He thought for a moment, slowly he stepped toward her and kissed her forehead. Gently, slowly he explained, "I'm not leaving. My father and brother are, for a while, back to Argentina. I'm staying here."

Elle let out a deep sigh, her fear dissipated and she breathed again.

"Let's just be together. Right here, like this." He took her in her arms and they laid facing each other side by side. He traced the outlines of her face and kissed her every so often. He began talking about his findings at Sophie's, which were nothing. And his family, and the upcoming move. As he was talking, Elle only listened to his voice and not really paying attention to his words. Half of what he said escaped her as she marveled at his features and golden skin. She relaxed into a deep dreamless sleep, warm and protected. She woke up to an intrusive ring and then the sound of his voice.

"Yeah, we'll be right there." He said and she heard the sound of a receiver. Her eyes opened and focused on him.

He smiled, "Hey sleeping beauty. Have a good nap?"

"Why did you let me sleep like this. I wanted to see you not sleep the time away." You needed it, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching you drool.

"What?" she felt her face and the pillow, it was dry. "Oh, you..." she jumped up to retaliate, but he was faster and grabbed her wrists before they could impact on his body.

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