Chapter 3- INTENSITY- Part 2

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Recap: Her mind was swimming. She could not focus and all the energy around her penetrated her; she had no control. Her face turned white, and blackness covered her eyes. Rafe caught her under the arms before she could collapse onto the ground. He walked her over to a bench where he gently sat her down.

"Wow, what happened to you?"

She tried to focus on his voice and compose herself. "I don't know." She lied. "I must need to eat or something."

"I am beginning to think you are trying to avoid what is happening here between the two of us."

"What do you mean. What is happening?" Her heart beat faster, she thought he for sure could hear it.

"I am feeling really drawn to you Elle. I know this seems all very fast, but we have a connection, something." He moved closer to her.

"Say something." He pleaded. "I am emotionally naked right now. Please, Elle."

She said nothing, just moved forward until their lips touched softly. She could hear a slight groan and he responded with gentle embrace. Their lips melted together into one; time and reality had vanished.

Finally she broke loose, her lips quivering she gazed in his eyes to find confirmation that he felt the same as her. An overwhelming wave of warmth fell over her and she panicked slightly.

"I...I'm sorry," her eyes welled up with tears. "I shouldn't have done this."

He took her cupped her face gently with his strong hands and looked deep into her.

"Don't ever say sorry to me," he whispered. "I told you, we are meant to be."

"But this makes no sense," she argued weakly.

"It isn't supposed to make sense. That's what this is, totally irrational emotion," he smiled at her and drew her close to him again. Their bodies and lips fused together in a soft embrace.

They took a breath and Elle could have stayed like this forever, but her surroundings came back into focus and reality returned.

"We should go eat something." She said awkwardly.

"Hey, I thought that was supposed to be the man's job," he chuckled.

"What?" she was a little confused.

"To think of food all the time."

She looked at him blankly, still dazed from the kiss.

"Never mind. Let's eat, so you don't collapse again."

Elle tried to sense the energy around her but something was off. It wasn't the same. It seemed to be concentrated close to some people, but not others. It was like a field of flowers, and the colors radiated only with the blossoms. Elle tried to focus on Rafe, ignoring the energy shift she chatted away.

"I think I'll try the tomato stuff first, and then the casserole your dad made. What's in it? It looks good. You should try some."

He looked at her crooked "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just...honestly...a little nervous. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Not since before my dad died."

He took her hand and squeezed it lightly. "I feel the same, Elle. Don't worry. It's all good."

She exhaled deeply and squeezed back. Just as she stuffed a big spoon full of the casserole in her mouth two of the girls from their school wandered over, giggling and squealing. Elle looked at them coldly, attempting to stare away the intrusion, but she failed miserably and her chipmunk cheeks full of food diminished the effect.

"Hey guys," one of them greeted overly friendly.

"I've been looking for you Rafe."

He smiled at her in response, "It's nice you guys could make it."

He leaned over and gave each of them a peck on the cheeks, like a Frenchman. Elle's heart became heavy and she had a hard time swallowing the rest of the food in her mouth.

"He is friendly to everyone..." her mind wandered off and her eyes became glassy. Rafe saw her face and put his hand around her waist pulling her close to his side. The sign was clear, and the girls quieted down a little. Elle looked from Rafe to the girls and tried to process what had just happened.

In a brief moment of clarity she realized that she loved him.

Her face softened and she listened to the unimportant chatter of the girls. One of them was actually somewhat pretty, she thought. In a cheerleaderish sort of way. Elle accidentally touched her hand as they both reached for a treat of the table. Suddenly, Elle saw a white flash before her eyes, and she could see that girl, a little older, stuck in a mangled car. Blood and broken glass all over her face. She heard heavy breathing and moaning and the air smelled of gasoline and death. was all gone and she looked at the girl still standing in front of her. Her voice was surreally innocent, excited.

"Are you ok, Elle?" she heard Rafe asking. She looked at him blankly and could feel her heart pounding hard and heavy.

"I...I need to go to the bathroom," she slowly mumbled.

"Yeah, it's right over here. Excuse us girls." He took her by the arm and led her to the bathroom.

"I'll be just a minute." She escaped through the door and locked it shut. Tears streamed down her face as she looked in the mirror. She tried to calm herself, but the picture of the girl, cut up and dead would not get out of Elle's head. She frantically splashed water on her face.

"Stop it...stop it..Stop it," she rambled. "This is just a thing. It's over soon. It's just..." She froze. "It's the next thing," she whispered, looking in the mirror. "It's changed, the energy has changed. I got to talk to Sophie. She'll know what this is."

Elle calmed herself down enough to face Rafe, who was pacing outside the door.

"Hey." She said softly as she stepped out the door. He moved closer to her and stroked her face. "Are you alright? Can I help you?"

She just nodded in response, "Hold me." He wrapped his arms around her and a warm blanket of security surrounded her. She felt shielded from her senses and images.

"I am really tired." She whispered. "I'd like to go home."

"I'll take you." He immediately offered. He held her under her arm, almost carrying her.

She felt she was gliding across the ground to her house.

She felt so exhausted she could hardly remember making it up the stairs to her room. Elle could feel her soft silky pillow, and Rafe's hand caressing her hair, gently stroking her to sleep. She dreamt of the girl in the car, and a giant Bocce ball chasing her and a kiss that seemed so right but was colored in blood.

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