I Wanna Kiss a Girl

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A/N: Hiya guys! Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working on my other stories and have been reading other peoples' stories as a way to gain inspiration. If you haven't already, check out my other Devil Wears Prada stories and of course my Mamma Mia! stories. Thank y'all for being patient my good peeps!.

Happy Birthday to me, I'm 103 and I live in a tree! Haha just kidding, I don't live in a tree nor am I 103, but I did turn 19 today!

It had been a long few months since my Andrea had left me on the steps of Place de la Concorde. I needed someone to talk to about the whole ordeal. So, I have sent everybody except for Nigel home, I needed to talk, and he was the one person who knew everything and wouldn't judge me for any of it. His friendship is definitely a godsend, I don't know if I've told him so, but it is. As soon as Nigel enters my office, he starts talking.

'Okay Miranda, what's on your mind?'

I take a deep breath. To kiss and tell, is simply not my style. Anyone who knows me, can tell you that.

'It's Andrea. It's been awhile since she's broken my heart and, it feels like it's been broken in two. I know it has taken me some time, but I am feeling ready to talk to her.'

Nigel walked over and sat on the corner of my desk, while I was standing and staring out the window to the busy street below. It took me a minute before I could continue.

'I want to be able to kiss her, hold her tight and, tell her everything's gonna be okay. I want to feel magic under the moonlight. It's gotten to the point, Nigel, that I can't stand to be so lonely in this big old world. I need her close but, I'm afraid to take a risk only to lose it all.'

I walked over to the small cabinet next to my desk, and pulled out a bottle of Whiskey. I poured a measure of it for both Nigel and myself. There was nothing like a shot of liquid courage- well in my opinion anyways. After downing our shots of Whiskey in one gulp, Nigel continued on.

'Well Miranda, here's my thoughts on this. You're holding back your feelings and are becoming distant as a way of protecting your heart, right? I've seen the fire in your eyes when you looked at her, or her name was mentioned. That fire in your eyes lights up the room and the sky. Honestly Miranda. You need to surrender to the feelings you have for Six. It's such a simple thing to do, to try and tell her that you love her. If you don't, your blues aren't going to go away. You need to try.'

Nigel was right. I needed to surrender to the feelings that I have for Andrea. I needed to try and get the feelings to be conveyed to her. But how? I just want to kiss her and hold her tight, in my arms. I wanted it to be magical. I wanted to make a little bit of magic with Andrea. However, I didn't want to take things too far and have things turn out horribly. I couldn't handle my heart breaking like that. I decided, to send her a dozen roses, one for each month she worked as my assistant. I am going to include a little note, a love letter of sorts, if you will. It's worth a shot, I suppose.

'Yes Nigel, I suppose you're right. I really should give you a raise for as much as you do for me. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to do a few things before I go home. You can leave now. That's all.'

It felt nice to get the weight of this ordeal off of my chest. I sat down and picked up a pen and began to write the letter.

My Dearest Andrea,

I know it has been a few months since your departure from Runway.

You may hate me for what I said and did, and for that I am very sorry.

There is something I wish to tell you. My dear Andrea, it seems you have tamed the Dragon and, melted the Ice Queen's heart.

Admittedly, I am scared to tell you this and, I hope you don't think ill of me afterwards.

My heart has been captured by yours. I have fallen for you in a rather hard manner.

Now, you don't have to, but, please join me at the townhouse tonight for dinner? Shall you choose to, dinner will be done at 6:30.

Much Love to you Darling,


I let out a loose and shaky breath. Here's to hoping this goes well. I put my sunglasses on, picked up my bag and coat, and headed out of the office. Since it was Friday, Caroline and Cassidy would be picked up from school by their father. It leaves me a little time to myself, to gather my thoughts. I haven't a clue whether or not Andrea was going to come to the townhouse for dinner. I hoped desperately that she is because, I need to tell her everything. I live on hope and right now, my hope is that my feelings of love are reciprocated.

For dinner, I hadn't a clue what to make. I didn't know what Andrea like or did not like. I texted Nigel, figuring he might know as he is one of her good friends.

'Nigel, do you know what food Andrea likes? I asked her over for dinner but I haven't a clue to what appeases her appetite. ~M.P.'

It was a few minutes before I got a reply from Nigel. Once again, he saved the day.

'To my knowledge, Six isn't a picky eater. But, I do know she likes Italian food especially spaghetti, even though it's a bit mundane. ~N.K.'

It may be mundane, but I do enjoy it myself. Plus, I'd do anything to make her happy.

'Thank you Nigel. I shall see you Monday. ~M.P.'

Cooking the spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread, was easy and took only an hour to make. Since I had 30 minutes to get ready for dinner with my Andrea, I put it in the warming oven. As I was walking upstairs to my bedroom, I decided to just wing it. By that, I mean I am just going to speak from the heart instead of rehearsing what I am going to say. Once I made it to my bedroom, I opened up my armoire to find something to wear. I wanted to wear something enticing, for Andrea. Finally, I just decided on a cerulean colored wrap around mini dress, with my high heeled, knee-high Prada boots. After getting dressed, I redid my make-up and hair and headed downstairs to open the wine for chilling, and to set the table.

It was finally 6:30. I heard a cab pull up to the curb and, the next thing I know, someone is knocking on my door. I haven't been this nervous since I found out I was pregnant with twins. I opened the door and there she stood. Letting out a small gasp I welcomed her into the house. "My darling, Andrea. I am so happy you could make it. Here, let me take your coat." As I was putting her coat in the closet, I couldn't help but think how gorgeous she looked. My eyes devoured her all throughout dinner. She wore a black button down shirt, which showed off her perfect chest and, she wore a pair of tight legged slacks, showing off her long and toned legs. Finally after dinner, it was time to tell her everything. Even if it might result in gut wrenching heartbreak, it was worth it, to tell her the truth.

I led her upstairs into my study. I was walking in front of her, making my hips sway in a shall we say, slightly provocative manner. Might as well put forth the effort to entice her in any way possible. "Care for a drink?" I asked her. Like I said, there's nothing better than a little liquid courage, mine being whiskey. As we both sat on the sofa, I took a deep breath. It was now or never.

'Andrea, I asked you over for dinner because like I said in my little note, my heart has been captured by yours. I need to tell you everything. I only hope that you're not disgusted with me after the matter.'

Andrea took a sip of her drink and nodded for me to continue.

'I have to rid myself of the blues I have acquired and have had since Paris. When you left, it broke my heart into two halves. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to take it slow nor do I want to make it go far just for it to fall apart. I want to kiss you my Andrea. Darling, I want to hold you and tell you everything will be okay. Perhaps make magic under the moon lit sky. I don't want to be lonely in this big old world. I can't bare it, without you. My dear, I love you with my whole being. What shall you say about that?'

She scooted closer to me and hugged me, holding me tight. She whispered into my ear the words that cemented our future together.

'I love you too, Miranda.'

Did y'all like it? It's longer than my others (I think). I enjoyed writing this one, more than I did with the first two. Anyways as per usual, please review! Also, if you have any prompts PM me, or put them in your reviews. Much Love to my peeps!

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