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   December 31, 2018

   Everything was fine. It was New Years Eve. Everyone was having fun, talking. Partying. Waiting for the new day of the new year. But right before the ball dropped on tv. Everything went wrong. A bunch of people started getting sick. Then... the tv cut out. Then, our phones. But the power stayed on. It always stayed on. If we turned it off. It would go off. But would always want to turn back on.

   Everyone assumed maybe weather is causing it all. But how could it. All the power would go out, and our phones wouldn't just shut off. I few people who were outside. Came in. But looked off. Like they looked ill. That's when we knew something was wrong.

   Hi. My name is Alyssa, I'm 17 and live in this dangerous world. The government let out a very dangerous virus that would reach the whole world in a matter of time. All airports were shut down. All power accept lights were off. Phones and TVs never turned back on or ever would. I got lucky as some say. Because I am immune to the virus.

   But being immune has its ups and downs. Out of my family, I was the only one immune. And my boyfriend, was immune. But became a bit crazy. He promised my mom before she died that he would protect me. And Michael kept his word for a while. But then, something snapped and he did the opposite. He never hurt me, but he never protected me either. Just kinda... followed me around.

   We have a small group here. Me, Michael, My best friend Lola, and Lola's brother Cole. We are immune to the disease and all decided to stick together. The virus ended up mutating something, and just killing other things. Animals aren't affect by the virus at all. They may have gotten mutated. But almost all animals, are alive and not killed cause of the virus.

   There's no way to stop the virus. But we can survive it. The world will never be the same again. But we can make it new. And hopefully, since the ones alive are immune. If we breed together. Hopefully our children will be immune to, and we can start new. Yes. Eventually we'll have inbreeding going on, and people being related getting together.

   But if we want another shot. We've gotta give our second chance a shot, and see what our outcome is.


   "People killer. That's what we call the virus." Said Lola throwing out ideas.

   "It's the best name for now." I say looking at her.

   "This just had to happen. Didn't it?" Asked Cole looking at us.

   "There's only so much we can do now." Said Michael.

We need to get somewhere safer then where we are. We're cooped up in this apartment that we found. But we need to get out of the city. Anyone or anything could be here.

"Tomorrow morning when we all get up should move to a safer place. We can't trust what's here in the city." I say looking at everyone.

"Yeah. You're right. Anything could be hiding out there. Lucky I, Michael, and Cole know how to drive so we can get a couple of cars to drive around in." Said Lola smiling.

"I almost said what about the cops. Duh. There's no rules. The worlds gone to hell." Said Michael laughing.

"But, what about gas? Shouldn't we hold up here a little bit longer and gather more supplies before we find a new place?" Asked Cole looking at me.

"Yeah. We should. We'll have to be super careful where we go." I say yawning.

"We should all get some sleep." Said Lola laying down.

"Amen to that sister." Said Michael laying down.


6:30 am

I wonder if I should wake them up. I know we need to go looking for supplies, but they look so peaceful. Maybe I'll just go out on the balcony and get some fresh air.

"Morning Alyssa." Said Cole yawning as he woke up.

"Morning. Sorry didn't meant to wake you." I say looking at him.

"No worries. You didn't wake me." He says smiling.

"Let's let them sleep. Let's go out on the balcony." I say pointing to the sliding glass door.

"Great idea." Said Cole standing up following me.

I feel so weird around Cole. I know he's Lola's brother and all. But I've only ever seen him a few times like during parties and when Lola and I needed rides and all of that. Never thought I would just get to sit down and talk to him.

"So, how She we divide and conquer where we look?" Said Cole sitting next to you looking at the city.

"We should go in groups of 2 and search around. So that if we run into trouble we have someone to help us." I say looking at the different buildings.

"Well. I don't want to group with Michael." Said Cole looking at me.

"I wouldn't want to either. I know I dated the guy. But, since this all happened he's a bit different." I say sighing.

"I've noticed. Lola seems to like him more now." Said Cole looking back at them because of how close they are.

"Yeah, I've noticed it. Doesn't bother me much. I just know Michael will still be protective of me. He promised my mom he would protect me, but after all of what we've been through. I wish he wouldn't." I say sighing.

"How about you and me team up." Said Cole smiling.

"What do we do if Lola and Michael want to team with me, you know how they are over me." I say.

"We'll tell them tough luck." Said Cole smiling.

"Cause that'll go well." I say laughing.

"We should probably wake them up or they'll never get up." Said Cole again up from where he was sitting.

"Okay. I'm going to go get changed into some better clothes while you wake them up." I say following him inside.

You know. Cole is really fun to talk to. I never thought I would be able to get along with him. He looks different from how he acts. I know, sounds kinda judgey. But I mean, it's true. He has shaggy true red hair cause he dyes it. Tall slender body, and his voice. It's a lower voice for how he looks.

"Wake up sleepy heads." He says waking hem both up.

Walks into the bed room, locks the door, and starts to change into a red flannel with black skinny jeans, and black comfy tennis shoes. Then walks out.

"Someone looks amazing today." Said Lola smiling.

"This is normal for me. Just minus the beanie. I need to find a new one." I say brushing my hair.

"Okay. So we decided we're gonna go in groups of two to search around. Alyssa and I will be a group and, Lola, you and Michael will group up." Said Cole sitting in a chair.

"I'm cool with that." Said Michael yawning.

"So am I." Said Lola.

Wow. That's new. I know Lola and Michael have a thing for each other. But normally they fight over me. Well, lucky we don't have to worry about that for now.

"We're gonna go get ready." Said Lola and Michael standing up.

"Okay. Before you go. Cole and I are going to leave. We all need to be back by 8 o'clock cause it gets dark at 9. Got it." I say looking at Lola and Michael.

"Roger that." Said Lola smiling.

Lola and Michael walk into another bedroom.

"Let me change my shirt, then we can leave." Said Cole grabbing a shirt out of a duffel bag.

Cole changes his shirt and you fix your shoes.

"Okay I'm ready." Said Cole smiling.

"Let's go." I say smiling back.

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