
5 1 1

"Okay. So we need to pick a decent looking car, and need to get some gas." I say looking at the cars.

"You know. They shut down all phones, and such. But why are cars and electricity still working?" Cole asks finding a car.

"Maybe to give survivors some chance at survival." I say finding a nice van.

"This should work." Said Cole wondering over.

"Let's get in and see if it has gas." I say noticing it's unlocked.

"Full tank. Keys are here too." Said Cole getting into the drivers seat.

"Okay. Let's drive around and see what we can find." I say going around the car to the passenger seat.

   "I know where a small grocery store is. We can check that out first." Said Cole turning on the car and starts driving.

   "Okay. But remember we have to be cautious, after hell broke loose everyone tried to leave and find somewhere else. Or just went crazy. So there may things we don't want to see." I say looking at Cole.

   "I know. I'll drive at a decent speed." He says turning left.

"You know, why didn't we ever talk before the virus hit?" I Ask looking at him.

"What do you mean? We talked sometimes." Said Cole as we parked in front of the store.

"Like. I know we talked. But I mean, now we get along and actually talk instead of me getting nervous and such." I say looking at him.

Cole opens his mouth but doesn't say anything for a second.

"Let's go inside." He says quickly getting out.

"We need to find food that isn't expired. Which I know a lot of it won't be. But let's stay clear of meat." I say as we walk in.

   "Luckily the power is on." Cole says as we walk in.

   "Yeah. I'll go this way. You go the other way." I say walking in a direction. And grab a cart.

   Okay. I need to find food. Water bottles would probably be the way to go. I'll wait for Cole's help to get those. Let's go down the chip isle. I know these will be good. Okay, we have spicy, cheesy, original. Let's just get different kinds. Throws some into the cart.

   Okay. Next let's go to... let's go to the frozen section. I want some ice cream, and power still works. I'll get this last if I can remember. Stays better that way. Okay, now. Let's go down the paper towel isle. Grabs some bull sized paper towel and toilet paper. I wonder what Cole has gotten so far.

    "Hey Alyssa. Look what I found. And they work." Said Cold holding some walkie talkies, and batteries.

    "Nice find! I'm surprised they work." I say looking at them noticing he tested them.

    "We'll have to give some to Lola and Michael when it's time to go back." He says putting them into his cart.

   1 hour later

   "Okay. I think we are good to leave this place. We have a lot of food to last for at least 2 weeks or so." I say as we finish packing everything into the car.

   "Next stop?" Says Cole as we get into her car.

   "I was thinking a gun shop. We need weapons. And I'm good with guns, I mean my dad was a police officer." I say as Coke drives away from the store.

    "I'm just glad we haven't run into any danger yet." Said Coke smiling.

   "So am I. I just hope Lola and Michael are okay." I say looking at everything around me.

   "Do you know where the gun store is?" I Ask looking at Cole.

   "Yeah. I used to go on my free time. But none of my family knew. Cause as you know they were against us having guns." Said Cole turning right.

    "I wish we would've talked more while the world wasn't in hell." I say looking at him.

    "Yeah. Lola kinda kept you from me. She always told me that I should stay away or I would seduce you. But I'm not like that. Never have been." Said Cole.

   "I wish you would have ignored her. We have so much in common." I say smiling.

   "Yeah me too. You're different from other girls I knew." Cole says smiling.

   "Is that a good thing?" I Ask.

   "Yeah. It's a great thing. I actually want to be around you." Cole says smiling.

   I start smiling, but my smile slowly fades.

"C-cole look." I say pointing at something standing in the road.

"Shit. We have to go another way." Cole says slowly turning around.

"I-it's chasing after us!" I say looking at the creature.

   "I have a gun in my backpack, get it out!" Said Cole pointing to the back seat where his backpack was.

   I climb into the back. Open his backpack. Grab his m9. Load it. Open a window, and shoot it right in between the eyes and watches it go down.

   "Great shot." Said Cole as you guys drove fast away from that spot.

   "Thanks." I say hyperventilating.

   "Let's go back to the apartment and drop the food off." Said Cole as you notice you're close anyways.


   "That really scared me." I say as we're taking things to the second floor.

   "Scared me too. Didn't think we'd see whatever the hell that was." Said Cole putting down bags of food.

   "Lola and Michael are still here." I say noticing a door is shut.

   "You sure it's them?" Asked Cole.

   "I can here Lola voice. They know we're here too." I say putting food away.

   Cole goes and helps finish putting food away.

   "Good thing you two didn't leave." Said Come pulling out the walkie talkies.

   "We were about to leave." Said Michael putting on a pink hoodie.

   "Here. Have these. We can communicate now." I say handing Lola and Michael a walkie talkie each.

   "Well since you guys got some food. We'll get some food to keep in the cars." Lola Said noticing all the food.

   "We're gonna Head out again for more supplies. Be carful. We ran into some creatures on our way over." I say as they walk out.

   They're so lovey dovey. It's so annoying. They can't listen to 2 minutes if together. And I'm not jealous over their relationship. But god damn it's annoying.

   "Everything's put up. Ready to try and go back to the gun store?" Cole asks getting the keys out of his pocket.

   "Yeah, and hey. Can we hit up an art store? I need a new sketchbook." I Ask looking at him as I lock up the apartment.

   "Yeah. I don't mind. I know where a perfect one is." He says smiling.

   "Thanks. I know Lola and Michael wouldn't do this for me." I say smiling.
   Man. I really do wish we could have talked sooner like we are now. I love talking to him. He understands me. Lola did too. But she never understood why I like art so much. But thinks I'm so talented. It's so weird. Lucky we snatched a huge van, cause then I can keep some supplies in the van to take around.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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