Diary Entree Two

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    Wow, where do I begin? I continue this diary two years later after just wanting to write a good book about my life and this is what I've been lead to. Let's see how many mistakes I make this time. So far so good.
    I've seen Andy twice in concert, got to meet Andrew Valasquez, he's hot when he's sweaty. What guy isn't? I imagine my boyfriend casually reading this one day and just asking me if he should've worked out more. "No, but if you did maybe you could carry me everywhere and I'd lose all my muscle and be a weakling."
    So, maybe I didn't mention my parents were divorced last entree. Maybe I did. But nonetheless my point is step parents are actually terrible humans. Unless they have young kids somewhat your age. Why couldn't both my parents chose someone with kids our age? Maybe that's what makes things so difficult. Why didn't I think of this shit sooner? Oh hi, I cuss now too. Growing up in life 16 years old isn't that grown up but damn its an improvement from 14. I'm less trapped knowing I'll move out in 2 years. Although that adds a whole new meaning to stress in itself. I just want to smoke pot and go to school, go home and sleep. Not eat or talk to anyone. Just sleep. Also since I was gone I was introduced to pot. That's a grand thing amirite? Can be taken into your body in so many ways, smoking it, vaping it, eating it. Wish I could valuable like that. Useful to people in many ways, if one way doesn't work they can find another way to have me. Or maybe they are so holy stuck up in their asses their against it. Then when your kid is dying from epilepsy and you won't go to hard drugs the least you could do is sneak an edible into her diet. That'd do her a whole world of good. Its relatively cheap too. Lol means I'm cheap. I am very cheap.
    So maybe that's not a perfect option. At least give it a chance. Kush works miracles.
I've gained and lot 3 pounds this spring break. Its because I haven't decided if I want to starve myself or jack myself up so high on processed and remarked food. Speaking of getting high, I got this cool brother who constantly has weed now which makes it very attainable which I enjoy. Trying not to complain here at my moms, free kush, I'm okay. Wow I talk about weed a lot. Let's talk about my current mental state.
    Worse. I've started arguing with My dads wife. Not my stepmom, dad's wife. She will never be related to me. Soooooooo we've been arguing, her trying to tell me that I'm never right or can't go do anything. I have freedom right? Maybe its just my teenage side wanting out. Out of the house, away from my family to live in a studio apartment in Los Angeles going to UCLA.

Diary Entries from a 14 year old girlWhere stories live. Discover now