Friday 03-30-2018

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08:41 PM
I was sitting in my room, applying some more make-up to my face while listening to my favorite music. My friends asked me to go with them to a new club and altough it's just a lemonade kind of prty and my lazy personality i said yes for once and dressed up in someting nice and even took my glasses off!

I got downstairs all glamoured up and nice and i've never seen my mother that happy. She kissed me on my forhead and took a picture of me. ''I'm really glad to see you out of your room for a change.'' I smiled saying that I'm really exited for my first club.

09:12 PM
The bell rang, making me sprint in half a second to the door. ''Damain!'' I flung my arms around him while he dragged both of us inside of my house. My mother smiled friendly at him. ''Hey Damain, thank you again for taking Lizzy with you.''

9:30 PM
We entered the club, seeing other friends of us standing at a table. Damian pulled me to them and placed me next to Nina who gave me a friendly smile. Honestly the only one that i really know here is Damain. The others are just some friends of his. But they're really nice so even with my social skills i'll be able to make small conversations with them.

11:45 PM
But sadly no, a few hours later and i still stood at the left side of the dance floor. Nina came to holding two glasses of sprite in her hands. ''Still nervous?'' I smiled "yeah..." She laughed and gave me the drink. "You know, that we arent asking you to twerk or grind against some boy, right?'' I nodded, explaining that i'm just not that great into big groups. She smiled again, making me know that with what ever discesion i make she'll be okay with that. "If you need us you know where we are."

11:50 PM
Some time later even i got tired of myself and decided to get off my ass for once. I walked up the dance floor looking for my friends. But the stupid ass that is called Lizzy had to bump into someone else. We both hit the ground, making me groan a little. I looked to the boy who stared at me. He stood up and helped me too. "Sorry for making you fall.'' i gave him a gently smile showing that i was okay, "No problem, and it's probably my fault. I'm just such a big goof!"

"Sorry if this is creeping you out but, I didn't saw you a lot on the dance floor tonight.."
My cheeks turned red. "Yeah.. I'm not the most social person out here...." He chuckled taking my hand. "If you want , poyou can dance with me?''

And that's how i lost my innocence, it all started friendly and nice. But when the music got more, uhm close. We couldn't keep our hands of each other.

11:56 PM
The last number ( Don't stop the music, Rihanna) just ended immediately followed up by the next one Grind on me. My heartbeat raced when I heard the first lyrics. My mind was yelling, begging me to get back to that table where there would be no dirty songs or handsome boys. But my body had other ideas.

I gently grabbed the hands of the boy I didn't even knew his name of. If you'd ask me his eye color i couldn't have answered you. But back to the story, I grabbed his hands and gently placed them on my hips. I turned my body around my butt facing his crotch. I brought his head to the crook of my neck while playing with his curls he turns out to have. I started to move, suprising both of us. I could feel him smirk and then he bit my earlobe "Who would've tought that you could be so dirty?'' I giggled, making more pressure on my movements. He started to groan "Oh god.." He turned me around, locking his eyes with mine. I smirked getting rid of the space between us and grinded agai. He grabbed my face in both of his hands kissing me roughly. He picked me up and dragged me of the dance floor, warning me for the trouble i had caused myself. We kept kissing, feeling like we were the only one in the entire planet.

00:16 AM
"Lizzy?, Liz, where are you?" I heard Damians voice, but before i realized he was looking for me he had already found me pressed against a wall with my legs straddled around some random boy. His left brow raised, looking confused at me. "Is this boy bothering you?'' I let myself slip out of the grasp of the boy. "No, not at all." I walked over to Damain and took his arm singing him I wanted to go home. He kept eye contact with the boy while we left "Good."

00:19 AM
In the car I was quiet, even more than normal. Damain sat next to me back in the car while a big smirk was plastered on his face. "What is it?" I dare to ask. He showed a bright smile "Lizzy got a boyfriend!'' My cheeks turned bright red, whishing that his father didn't heard that.
"No I don't"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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