Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I stared at the man for a bit as my hand stopped writing. I've been sent to another country with the person that I met a few days back, it appears that I will be in an auction that sells beings that you haven't seen before, yet have also seen.

It fascinated me.

I nod back to him as to assure that I was serious about accepting his offer. I continued to write my name and signature on the contract.


It was a name that was given to me since I was brought to the orhanage, but they never gave me my last name, it was unimportant, they say.

"Very well then..." the man looked at me as I finished; "Here" he brought out chains then chained my arms till my legs and covered me with a blank sheet. "Come with me" he exclaimed, and I followed.

He opened the wooden doors, me walking from behind as I follow him to the auction room.

I see people around me, their identities hiden. They talked as we passed by.

They keep on whispering to themselves about something rare or unique, but one of them was about him trying to get it after his bride? Died? I didn't bother to listen anymore and went on with the guy again.

Soon enough I've been brought to the auction room. It was dark, the huge red curtains covering what's in the other side, I was placed in the middle of the stage as he went to go in the sidelines, soon enough the curtains opened.

The people in the other side went in awe, the silence from earlier seemed to disperse once I was revealed.

"A rare Sleigh Beggy that would start by the price of 2,500,000!" The guy from earlier said. Soon enough the people exclaimed high prices.




The prices went higher and higher, I didn't think that a human could be worth this many at all. It was a weird feeling, and I was confused, but at the same time I felt glad-- glad that I was worth something for everybody, even though it's probably illegal that I'm in an auction.

The crowd continued on with raising the prices, with the sound of the doors of the room opening, a very tall person came inside.

"7,000,000" He called out, he didn't shout in the crowd, because once he entered, the people seemed to quiet down the people stayed quiet and the room seemed so tense.

The tall man went to walk even further to the room until he reached the stage;

"I'll buy this boy for 7,000,000"

Then the whole was over, no one tried to raise prices higher than 7,000,000. The guy from earlier ended the auction and sent me and the tall man to an office.

The tall man gave a paycheck of the price that he mentioned and they talked for a while, saying that it's been a long time and asking how their day has been. "May I borrow your lobby?" The tall man exclaimed, the guy didn't think for a moment and accepted right away, then the tall man and I left.

We walked our way to the lobby, I noticed a small little creature floating to me, it seemed to like me as it rubbed its face to my cheek, and more seemed to come as thet float around me, and I smiled.

"So you do see them" I was startled, getting interrupted by the tall man. I looked at him and took a while for me to respond before I finally gave a nod. "Do you not speak?" He asked, I gave another nod again.

"I see, you're quite a unique Sleigh Beggy indeed" he exclaimed. 'Sleigh Beggy?' I thought, I keep on hearung that word a lot ever since I arrived in this place, even the guy from earlier said so, they point the title of "Sleigh Beggy" to me, but I'm human aren't I?

The man seemed to notice my curiosity, "If you're wondering about it, I can tell you later once we arrived" we entered a room, which seemed to be a lobby, it was quite a nice room if I do say so myself. The man did a sudden action and faced me, bending down to my height.

"My name is Elias Ainsworth, I am a mage and I bought you as my apprentice, from now on you are in my care." He uncovered the cloth that was covering his face and revealed a wolf's skull with the horns of a goat, he seemed to look like a wendigo, but the less scary kind.

It was quite fascinating 

He held me by my waist which I was flustered for-- for a little bit. "Hold on tight, and maybe close your eyes, it might make you dizzy." I nod in agreement as he said some kind of chant, we were surrounded by a light and a circle of thorns, it surrounded us even more as he continued. I closed my eyes as I felt that we were leaving.

It took a second, then the thorns seemed to disappear. I opened my eyes as a bright light was revealed, we were in a field, the ground was green, the skies were blue.

It was beautiful

Behind me there was a nice house, and behind by it is a forest. Everything seemed so peaceful; "This is my home, well, it's now our home" he stated.

I looked at him and bowed, he gently raised my head with his cane and he pat his head with his hand "No need for thanks, also--" the chains that were attached to me shattered and disappeared, "--There, you won't be needing those anymore as you will be my apprentice." He pushed my back a bit to the house, and we entered. I felt welcomed, and it was warm, it's like the home that I was dreaming of.

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