Prologue-How it all began

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Alexis' POV

Loud cries filled the tense atmosphere when their heads snapped into the direction of the staircase.

"How could I forget about your precious little son?", his face was twisted into a mischievous grin. "Tell me, Ryan, Summer? How old is he again? It would be a shame if anything were to happen to him."

Where is Chase when you need him? I swear to god if he is in some club drinking his idiotic ass of I'm going to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Don't you dare", the woman screamed, well more like sobbed, her expensive mascara was running down her face, but that didn't bother her in the slightest. The life of her son was on the line.

"Don't tempt him Summer", her husband tried to calm her down, but I knew he was just as scared and worried about their newborn.

The man before them let out a humourless chuckle that send shivers down my spine and not the good kind. He was mocking them, as if they were dirt under his shoes. The thought alone made my blood boil. How dare he.

"Is this about out daughter?", Summer asked in a timid voice. She was exhausted and the usual twinkle in her eyes was replaced with a gloom look, "I told you Sean she will not help you and your little buddies. I would rather die than hand her to you."

And that was all it took to break down whatever it was that hold Sean back.

He was a man that loved to be in control, cool, calm, collected and never doing the dirty work himself. But this seemed to be important to him. This time he wasn't standing in the background watching the scene unfold with an amusing smirk, no, this time he wanted to make sure to get his point across and the job done.

I didn't understand why I was so important to Sean. I was naive. It would be better if you're left in the dark, they said. Yeah, of course if your parents should ever use that line on you, don't believe them for a single second, they are bullshitting you. I confronted them but in the end I wished I didn't ask.

"That can be arranged my sweet Summer.", her face scrunched up at the old nickname, while Sean was standing in front of her with his head held high. I still don't understand how my mother could have ever dated someone like Sean. She was definitely too blind to see that he was a complete psychopath.

"Oh, you're a dead man Davis", Ryan growled, he was always the protective type of man.

Sean didn't take his reply too well. Davis was once his wife's last name and he changed his own when she died. It is an old sob story that was spread by the gang to make the members believe there is a reason as to why Sean is such a cruel, cold-hearted man.

But let's be honest. Sean Davis is an asshole. As simple as that.

That's when things got ugly.

It all happened so fast.

More men stormed into the house, the baby's cries getting louder, desperate to be in his mother's arms, Sean taking a silver knife out of his waistband, Ryan gripping his wife with one hand and holding a gun up in the air with another, while Summer prepared herself to fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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