Part 5

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Izaya's POV 

I start packing my things just a few items I'm gonna leave...I need to leave,I'm going insane here I need something to do! Hey it's not that I don't like Shizuo it's that I've been trapped here without going anywhere! 

I put my backpack on and crawl out the window and down the fire escape once I reached the ground I started running as fast as I could not looking or going back no matter how bad I wanted to. 

Shizuo's POV

I come home with two cups of coffee setting them on the counter;I walk to Izaya's room and see a note on the door. 

'Dear Shizu~Chan,

I am leaving and not coming back,don't worry about me I am fine I'm not gonna go jump from a building or anything. I will be okay and so will you just forget about me and find yourself a new Flea. I'll see you in the next life Shizu~Chan.

-Love,Izaya or Flea.'  

I drop the note and fall to the floor shaking. "I-Izaya." I whimper as I pick the note up from next to me and hold it close to my chest. 

"I will find you Flea...I have to." I say softly as tears flow from my eyes. I black out from lack of sleep and don't get up.

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