I was tagged

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so thepjopotterhead tagged me in this, so let's fill it out (yes I know that was awhile ago shush)

so thepjopotterhead tagged me in this, so let's fill it out (yes I know that was awhile ago shush)

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1.) Do you like someone? Yes, a few people actually, I'll refer to them as R, D, and A.

2.) Do they like you back? A has hardcore friend zoned me, D knows nothing about me, and I think is in a relationship. And R? Maybe they do, I'm not sure...

3.) Middle name? Gloria.

4.) Single or taken? Very single, I'm so lonely

5.) Girl Best friend? Oh shit, I dunno I love all my friends equally, I guess Rose she doesn't have a Wattpad.

6.) Guy best friend? I don't have many guy friends, so skip!

7.) What's your favorite OTP? I'd have to say bumbleby from RWBY.

8.) Last person you texted? thepjopotterhead

9.) Last song you listened to? Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen, Rebecca Parham's cover, it's cute and lovey-dovey.

10.) Battery percentage? 47%

11.) Lock screen? 

) Lock screen? 

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12.) Reason you made a Wattpad? A few of my lovely irl friends had an account, and I wanted to join in the fun!

13.) Birthdate? 1/26/20XX

14.) 20 tags?

Sorry, I don't know anyone else who hasn't already been tagged, so there.

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