tagged yet again

26 2 24

so thepjopotterhead and KitKatKrazy4Life tagged me so here I go! 


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1.) I wear purple glasses and have a typically masculine haircut 

2.) My clothing style is basically an edgy comfy dad (ie Hawaiian shirts and ripped skinny jeans)

3.)  I spend way to much time on the internet

4.)  I get super emotionally invested in the media I watch 

5.)  I'm working on a comic, it's still in the development phase 

6.)  I LOVE MY FRIENDS DEARLY   (poemsforu @YandereLloydlover @hey_its_laylayyy dunshineslittlebean thepjopotterhead IfTrashCouldSparkle

7.)  I'm a Unitarian Universalist, here's a link to the website, cuz I don't wanna explain it https://www.uua.org/beliefs 

8.) I do my best to avoid physical conflict, I prefer words to fists, debate to war, and reason to bullets.    

9.) I've never been in a romantic relationship ever. 

10.) I've been in 3ish plays and would like to pursue voice acting    

Ok joke time 

I'm trying to come up with a theater pun, but it'd just be a play on words 

Ok spoiler for my non-existent comic,  um Piper's home dimension isn't actually destroyed, her family just forgets abouter her extraordinarily fast after she jumped. Let's just say they are in for a surprise when Pip comes back to visit.    

Um, I don't know 28 people so I'll just tag as many as I know







Love you all, I need to get back to work, bye! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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