Chapter 1

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“Ugh…” Dean sighed. He sat in an empty classroom with no one other than an elderly man. The whiteboard in front of him had the word ‘detention’ scrawled on messily in all caps. The room was quiet other than the sound of rustling papers and the occasional teacher walking past. Dean looked around the room. The desks were all cleared except for a notebook that laid upside down on a desk in the back of the room.

What the…, Dean thought. He looked up to the front of the room.

“Uh, Mr. Miller?” He asked.

“What is it, Winchester?” he responded without looking up from the book he was reading.

“I, uh, left my notebook back there and it has my math homework in it. Mind if I grab it?” Dean lied.

Mr. Miller sighed, irritated, “Get it.”

Dean stood up and walked to the back of the room. He picked up the notebook and read the cover.


Property of Castiel Novak



This is what I look like in case you don't know.


Directly underneath the message was a picture of a teenage boy with jet black hair and deep blue eyes.

What is this, a diary? What kind of nerd carries a diary to school?

“Winchester! Back to your seat, you still have 2 hours left. You shouldn’t have filled Rhonda Hurley’s gym clothes with worms if you weren’t going to do the time.” Mr. Miller said.

“Yeah, yeah. Calm down.” Dean walked back to his desk and slumped into his seat.

Looking over to Miller, making sure he didn’t notice, he opened the notebook, laying it flat out on the desk. The inside looked like it was old and used with grey pages and smeared pencil marks.

Jesus Christ, how old is this…, Dean thought, inspecting the page.

The first entry was like an honest introduction.


My name is Castiel Novak. I am a freshman at (insert cool school name here). The date is September 6th, 2012.


2012? That was two years ago. So he’s still a junior…


I just recently moved here after my father left my brothers and I. And I never met my mother.

Holy shit, that’s sad.


My brother Gabriel is taking care of me right now. Lucifer already ran away.


Lucifer? Really? Okay, this has to be a joke.


I’m not really looking forward to starting school. I’m not athletic or smart or funny and I have no friends.


Wow, loser.


I really don’t want to. The worst possible thing right now is just sitting in this bus waiting to pull up in front of this goddamn school.

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