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"Let my voice compel you to
be with me."

I've never been the type to really party, I don't care for socializing or the different types of people there. I kind of like being in my own world and doing my own thing. But since I've denied my best friend Ji Su too many times, I have to go to this one.

"Mi Sun, you look just fine. Stop worrying and let me work my magic on you girl." Ji Su said as she had me sit on a little stool and she put makeup on me. She put a little bit of blush on my pale skin tone to add color to me since I looked like a vampire most days. She rummaged around in her make up bag pulling out a light red lipstick, "Ah ha!" Ji Su said and grabbed my chin, "Pucker up girlie." She grinned as she put the lipstick on my lips. It was hard not to laugh at her enthusiasm. Ji Su has always been my best friend since grade school. She stood up for me when I couldn't and she wasn't afraid to get in a fight with anyone, if it was a guy or a girl. It didn't matter to her, she is a very good friend to me and I'm glad to have someone like her in my life.

"Alright! I'm all done!" She clapped her hands together and got me to stand up in front of the large body mirror. I straightened out my black short dress that went to my knees. I liked it a lot because it didn't show too much or reveal enough for anyone to stare at me. I had on small black heels with little fake diamonds on the straps to give it some sparkle.

"I don't know Ji Su.. " I said shyly. My makeup did look good and she did somehow manage to make my ugly face pretty. I can't do make up that well just the simple easy things but she went out of her way to make me really glow tonight.

"Oh shut up. You're adorable, you look so pretty. If I was a guy I would bang you." She grinned at me and I smacked her arm, "You're so gross." I laughed and she laughed with me.

"Okay I think it's about time to go." She grabbed her red purse that went well with her bright red skin tight dress. She had the curves to make the dress work and it looked really good on her.

I smiled nervously and got my small black clutch in my hand that held my cell phone, my house key, and a bit of money for a taxi cab to get Ji Su and I home.

We stepped out of my apartment and I got my key out of my clutch and was locking the door, "C'mon hurry up! We're going to be late!" She was tugging on my arm while I finished locking the door.

"Okay okay." I said and we hurried down the flight of stairs and there was already a taxi cab waiting for us to get into.

Ji Su shoved me into the car, "Ow, you bitch." I mumbled and she hushed me, and told the driver the address we needed to go to.

"What was that for?" I mumbled as I rubbed my arm that had a small red burn on it from the leather seats. She didn't say anything but smile.

The car ride was silent, but I could practically feel the excitement and energy coming off of Ji Su. She has told me about this party for months on end. It was the most special and important one to her yet. Her family is living comfortably due to her fathers business and so she liked that interaction of meeting knew people or guys. But for this party it was going to be classy and elegant. There were going to be important people there with a high status. I wasn't really thrilled about it because I felt like I was going to be out of my safety zone and comfort zone.

The car ride came to end when we pulled up in a beautiful mansion. It was all white and had open window views. Roses and other types of flowers were all in the front of the entrance gate and it made it look so pretty.

Still stuck in awe Ji Su tugged on my arm again, "Lets go woman, we have all night for you to look at the flowers and the mansion." I got out of the car and we quickly walked into the mansion with our heels clicking loudly on the ground. Once we got inside I was amazed about how nice everything looked. The paintings they had on their walls were beautiful. The glass chandelier lit up the place and it looked like diamonds were sparkling from it.

"Okay Mi Sun, I'll be right back." I heard Ji Su day beside me but as I turned to talk to her she was already gone. "Don't leave me alone.." I mumbled to myself. I sighed and looked at all the other people in the room. There were mixed ages of young adults and elders in the room. Most holding a glass of champagne in their hands, laughing and talking. All looking fancy, and the women looked more elegant then me of course. I wasn't embarrassed that I felt undressed for this kind of formal party. I was only doing this for Ji Su who was very excited about this event.

I walked around quietly looking at the paintings. No one had noticed me and I didn't stand out like a sore thumb either. I liked the artist of the paintings, they all seem like a series that went together. I had silently made my way up the stairs and to a balcony. I just needed a breath of fresh air. It was chilly outside and I hugged myself but looked at the beautiful scenery in front of me.

"I can't believe she left me alone in this place." I mumbled and sighed.

"Who left you?" A voice said behind me and it startled me.

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