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"The more I think about you,
I think of you as mine."


"Damn." I cursed and started to walk home. It was going to be a long chilly walk. My shoulders were bare and I shivered slightly. Well let's hope I get home soon before I'm cold as Jack Frost.

A sports car pulled up beside me and the window rolled down, "Need a ride?" I looked over at the person but a hidden shadow was casted over his face.

I shook my head, "No thank you sir." I said and continued to walk down the street. "Don't be like that, just get in the car." His voice seemed more on edge. I looked back and the person stepped out of the car, only to reveal Mr. Park Jimin himself. I bowed slightly.

"See? We're not strangers anymore Miss Mi Sun." He smiled at me, showing his straight white teeth, it seemed to be like his famous cute smile that was known. Almost like a trade mark.

"Please get in the car, I don't want a pretty girl like you getting hurt or kidnapped." He said to me and I blushed slightly. I guess it wouldn't hurt if I got in the car. "Okay, I'll go with you." I said and he walked quickly around the car to the passenger side and opened the door and gestured me to get inside.

I had to admit he did seem really polite or had some gentleman to him unlike the boys I know or just in general. I walked over and I got into the car, "Thank you." I said shyly and he smiled at me. "Of course pretty little lady." He chuckled a little and closed the door and walked around the front of the hood and got into the drivers seat. He liked over at me, he had a straight face. It was like his mood or personality changed in a split second. He started to lean in close to me, close enough to me all I could do was stare at it plump kissable lips that were taunting me. He moved closer and grabbed something behind me and his hands lightly touched my chest bringing the buckle across my chest and clicking in the buckle.

"Safety first." He said and leaned away from me smirking and he got his seat belt and buckled himself in still smirking. I knew my face was red, I could feel my face blushing. The car ride was mostly silent except for some slow jazz music playing. It seemed soothing a nice to listen to. I had told Park Jimin my address and he followed my simple instructions to get to my apartment. Once we pulled up I had unbuckled my seat belt, "Thank you for the ride." I said and I got out of the car and closed the car door behind me. I made my way up the stairs to my apartment door, I didn't realize he was behind me until I felt him breathing on my bare shoulder.

I got my house key out of my purse and unlocked my door, I stepped in and Jimin looked at me. His hands were folded behind him and he stood up straight and smiled at me.

"So, are you going to invite me in Miss Mi Su?" He looked at me with his dashing smile. I was staring at him before I realized how rude I was being.

"Oh, yes please come in." I said and opened the door wider and let him in. He thanked me and took off his shoes at the door way before stepping further into my apartment. His shoes looked expensive, they had snakes on them which I assumed were from Gucci of course. His entire outfit leaked wealthy and just money dripping off of him. I watched him as he examined my regular apartment. It was a two bedroom, one bathroom, one kitchen, and one living room. I had tried to keep things simple and normal in my apartment. I had a few bookshelves and a few bamboo plants and a cactus because I found them cute.

"Make yourself a home." I said as I took off my heels at the door and put on my slippers, "I'll be right back." I said as I went into my bedroom to change out of this dress. I changed into a pair of sweats and a baggy black and white striped long sleeve t- shirt.  I put my slippers back on and went back into the living room.

Mr. Park Jimin was sitting on my white sofa texting on his phone.

"May I get you anything?" I asked him, I was trying to be polite as I could, I didn't want to make him mad or anything. Because of his high status he could ruin me if he wanted to and I wouldn't have a life anymore or a job.

"Tea sounds good."

I nodded and went into the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove and waited for it to boil. I went back into the living room and he was still on his phone, either texting or playing some game.

"Do you want milk, sugar, or honey in your tea?" He finally looked up at me, "Ah, just sugar and honey please. My throat hurts a little bit." I nodded and prepared his tea. It was silent in my house which made things weird. I mean all he was doing was texting on his phone instead of talking to me but I guess whatever, it doesn't matter that much.

"Here you go," I said as I placed his tea on the coffee table. "Thanks for giving me a ride home." I added and smiled slightly. He took the tea off of the table and dipped on it and hummed.

"Well, your killer tea makes up for it." He smiled and drank some more of the tea. It was back to the awkward silence until he jumped up from his spot on the sofa.

"I do have to go now," He headed towards the door and put on his shoes. "Miss Mi Su?" He asked and I stared at him, "Yes?"

He stood at the door way smiling.

"Can't wait to see more of you Miss Su." He said and opened the front door and left before I could say anything.

"Wait! What did you mean.." I had my body against the door with my hand flat on it.

"Ugh." I hope I don't see more of him. He seems like trouble. He probably is underneath all of his charming suit.

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