Chapter 8 (Not as planned)

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Me and Victor sit on the steps outside the theatre in our fine tuxedos waiting for Yuri's taxi to arrive. 

"Yuri is doing so well, that reward is ours for sure!" Victor exclaims suddenly.

"Victor... I was the boy...I saved him by opening the wall" I confess.

He looks over at me with wide eyes.

"So that means..."

"He's the real deal Vitya" I whisper.

"He's finally coming home" Victor says delightedly. I guess we both got attached to him.

"Why do you look so sad?" Victor pats my back.

"Is it that obvious?" 

Victor gives a little laugh.

"You love him, don't you?"

"Yes" no point in denying it, Victor can always tell when I am lying to him.

"But Princes don't marry kitchen boys" 

Victor takes my face in his hands and makes me face him.

"Tell him"

"Tell me what?" 

We look up to see Yuri and Yuuri standing in front of us, oh no... how much did he hear? Not much I think since he looks pretty relaxed, actually he looks stunning in that tuxedo with an emerald tie that matches his eyes. It's been too awkwardly silent, say something!

"H-How beautiful you look" 

He looks a little taken aback. 

Oh, you idiot! Now you have freaked him out... stupid

Yuri puts his arm out and winks at me, I wrap my hand around his arm and escort him inside. We barely pay attention to the ballet, Yuri takes my hand and holds it the whole time and my heart is pounding hard in my chest.

"It's time" Yuri nods as we walk to the grand duke's suite.

"Wait here" I command softly.

I plan to show the duke a music box that I brought from the castle, I don't even want the reward money anymore.

"Your highness?" I say when I enter.

The Emperor Nikolai turns to face me.

"Who let you in?"

"Sir, I found Yuratchka"

"Sure, they may walk like him and talk like him but it's never him. I've had enough of this, please leave me alone" He says waving his arms around in anger.

"But sir it really is him, listen I used to work at the palace..."

"Well that's one I haven't heard I must say" he stands and walks away from me, he must listen, he must. 


"Stop! Dimitri Altin, I know who you are, a conman from Saint Petersburg who held auditions to find a Yuratchka lookalike"

"Well yes but..."


Two men hold me back and pull me from the room.

"Wait! It is him! Just talk to him and you will see!" 

The guards toss me from the suite and I hit the ground hard. I look up to see Yuri scowling at me with his hands on his hips, he heard everything... oh no.

"It was all a lie, you used me to get his money!" With every word his voice got louder until he was shouting at me. I get to my feet quickly and look in his eyes. 

"Yuri listen, that's how it started but it's different now because you really are the duke!" 

He shoves me away from him

"I can't believe I trusted you and actually... ugh!" 

Actually what?

"Yuri! Remember the bo-" 

He turns and slaps me hard, I fall to the ground again as he runs off. I don't know where to go from here... 

I make my way to the theatre entrance and see Victor and Yuuri kissing as they get into a taxi and drive off, watching them kiss hurts my heart. I hoped maybe that would happen with me and Yuri but the stinging in my cheek reminds me of the cost of my selfishness. 

I lean against the wall watching the stars when I hear the duke's footman.

"Sir" He says.

I turn to see the Duke get into his car. Right! I know what I must do. I run to the car and hop into the driver's seat before frantically driving to Yuuri's house where I know Yuri will be.

"Hey you! Stop this car!" the Duke yells.

"No, not until you listen to me and meet him" 

I tune out the dukes protests as I drive, we arrive at Yuuri's house and I open the door and kneel in front of the Duke.

"You have to talk to him, just look at him!"

"I will not" 

I pull the music box from my coat pocket and he gasps.

"Where did you get this?"

"Sir, I know I have done wrong but what I say now is the truth.. I am the boy, the one who helped you escape, don't you remember? I really have found Yuratchka, He's been looking for you he's been just as lonely as you. He's in the house just there. " I point to Yuuri's house. He sighs.

"You will stop at nothing won't you"

"I'm almost as stubborn as you your highness" 

He smiles for the first time and walks into the house. 

Please remember him.

Anastasia, Yuri on Ice AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora