Don't Go

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Here’s another one! This is related to Distant Memory! The brothers again since I love these two too much!

Sorry for every possible flaw and I hope you like it!

Estarossa was breathless, all his hearts were pounding wildly as he tried to calm himself down. However, he had completely lost his rationality when he felt it, demon presences fading into thin air, a dark magical power causing such turn of events. He didn’t want to think about it, he hated his mind for jumping into foolish conclusions that always seems impossible but what he felt, what he sensed just felt so familiar… A familiarity that was rather terrifying.

His wings were burning like his emotion, letting him glide into the air, underneath the dark skies. He heeded everything around him with no attention, only concentrating towards his destination. There was hesitation and fear of the things he could possible anticipate, yet he didn’t want to listen to them, didn’t want to believe it until he sees it with his own eyes… yet he strongly doubts he’d accept whatever his eyes were bound to gaze upon, for whatever he was anticipating was something that should have been the impossibility.

Life had always been unexpected, he had existed for more than three hundred years not to know that.

He suddenly stop himself from flying further, descending down as he felt like he conpletely lost his strength, pitch black eyes left wide in horror and his breathing growing uneven. He couldn’t believe it, Calmadios and Zeno were dead, lower demons were left as minced meat all around the ground, blood completely staining the land that was once in color brown. He immediately felt dizzy, not with the blood and the corpses but the one above them.

A blonde was flying above the mountain of bodies, white clothes completely turned into red, his metal also stained with blood, the very liquid dripping from it. In his arms was a goddess with silver hair similar to his own, wings distorted in odd direction, blood staining her as well yet unlike the demon she looks like the blood was hers.

His stomach flip.

Tears started falling from the moment his pitch black eyes met the blonde’s very identical ones. He fell on his knees, clutching unto his chest, gasping leaving him still having trouble to breath. Heart aching and in pain, his demonic marking suddenly faded, leaving his ink colored eyes turning purple now barely capable of summoning his dark magic.

This is a dream right? This couldn’t be possibly happening…

“Estarossa…” Meliodas voiced out as Estarossa lifted his head, their gaze lock on each other.

“Br-brother…” He stuttered, tears still falling, sobs escaping from his lips. Fuck, he couldn't feel his hearts, couldn't even feel air entering his lungs.

“Y-you di-didn’t do this right? Meliodas… you didn’t right?” It was more of a plea than a question, although he knows the truth he still had that small string of hope which he was holding on far too tightly. From the moment Meliodas tore his gaze off him however, the string broke later slapped by reality, yet he refused to wake up from his delusions.

“F-father will forgive you… I’m sure of it… just— just— please.” He was practically trembling, heart racing wildly, cheeks now stained with tears yet his response destroyed him more.

“You know he won’t Esta…” Just how long was he going to reject this?

He just couldn’t accept this.

“No! No! Please! Please! Don’t go! Don’t leave me! Please!” He cried out hating the idea of the blonde leaving. He was all he had, all he cherished, the blonde was practically everything to him.

Estarossa had always been considered as a failure from the moment he was born, there was no sign of demonic magic within him and despite of it developping the Demon Clan had given up on him. He was considered as a sore eye to the king, and was technically forgotten..

That rat is no child of mine…” He could still remember it, cold and dark eyes gazing at him like he was a mere filth, it hurts. He had accepted that he didn’t deserve to be called a royalty ever since he was little, and the treatment he gets has never been nice.

He was left on his own accord, alone, without a choice but to embrace that he was really a failure that he didn't even deserve the title of being a prince… but it was just given to him, it’s not like he wanted it, it’s not like he earned it and he honestly loathes it.

Yet Meliodas called him out of the darkness, offered him to read him a book and taught him about demon history. He had been hesitant in sitting beside him when the blonde called him, yet with how scared he was he did. It was nice, for someone to spend time and effort on him as he found himself getting attached to Meliodas easily. From that day, the blonde started meaning so much to him.

While everyone treated him like nothing, Meliodas saw his potential, his power and it led him to be capable of reclaiming his worth of their father. Although his brother only served as his teacher, protected him, saved him, didn't really feel anything much from him but simply like that he pulled the silver head’s heart strings.

He loved the blonde although he didn't feel any mutuality of it between them, just him staying by his side was enough… only him and he could live on needing no one else.

But now…

He was leaving…

“If you’re going to leave anyway then please bring with you! I’ll go anywhere! Just don’t leave me alone!” He begged, tears still falling. He had no one, just Meliodas… Zeldris hates him, their father regards him as nothing and only Meliodas…

Just Meliodas…

His precious beloved brother accepted him in a way.

The blonde gently placed the goddess gently behind him, the blonde dropped his knees in front of his younger brother, cupping his cheeks, wiping the tears off his cheeks.

“D-don’t go…” He begged eyes now incapable of meeting his. Their foreheads met, Meliodas’ hand still all over his cheeks.

“I’m sorry…” He immediately felt dizzy upon the utterance of those words. His consciousness slowly slipping away, his body falling unto the ground. His heart started racing wildly, wanting to move, wanting to run, wanting to chase him and go wherever he’ll go.


Tears once again slip down his cheeks, body trembling, hating this hopelessness so badly.

No… no… please!

His sight grew blurry, he was ruined in out as he watches the blonde turn his back on him. His wings spread wide, leaving him sobbing at the nightmare before him.

Darkness started pervading his line of sight, barely clinging to his consciousness.


Till he lost it.

Don’t go…

Seven Deadly Sins One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora