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Since we hadn’t seen Ban! Here he is!!!!

(I should write cheerful stuffs)


He could clearly remember the day when he just met Meliodas. A boy, not taller than a 12 year old stood up like a spoiled brat before him. Remembering that now, he could barely believe that the boy who literally threw him and broke him out of the dungeon would be one of the most precious person to him. They had become partners in crime, comrades at arms, best friends and literally brothers. The never ending laughter they shared together rang in his mind, like a never ending echoe.

Yet he didn’t deserve him…

Never will he deserve him.

He had attempted to kill him for his own selfish desire, didn’t hesitate, far more than willing yet still he remained by his side. Welcoming him with a smile, sharing barrels of alcohol with him, still considering him as his best friend… it killed him with guilt.

Finally, when he had a chance to repay him, desiring nothing but to save him, he couldn’t. He had thought that it was the last time he’d saw him smile, he thought that he’ll never laugh with him again, he thought he’d lose one of the most important person in his life again.

It ruined him, the tears were proof as he hopelessly tried to stop the demon who wanted nothing but the blonde’s death. He saw those pair of emerald eyes hid themselves, saw the swords pierced through his small flesh, he saw exactly how he died.

He was there but he was useless.

Then he was given a chance to reunite with him. But what did he do? He had turn into a complete jerk for judging him because of what he was doing. When he realized he actually hurt the blonde, it was too late. He usually didn’t care about making him bleed or injure him more than hundreds of times but the circumstances were different. He had seen the blonde cry in Elizabeth’s arms, he had heard that he got involve in the conversation and it was his fault.

He couldn’t do anything with his guilt but force a laugh and apologize, and those bright pair of eyes still look up to him, grinning at him, always welcoming him no matter what he did.

It killed him…

All he did was hurt him… and like what he usually does, he stab the blonde in the heart again.

Telling him he would never understand what he feels, that he doesn’t understand how painful it was to see the one you love dying again. He regretted even uttering those words, and they will forever haunt him… all his mistakes towards Meliodas will always be remembered.

Then he was before him, being nothing but a manifestation of complete evil.

He had a chance to finally save him again, he finally had a chance to repay him, he could finally do something for him. So he took it, went to hell, wouldn’t care less of what awaits him.

So he dealt with it all. The pain, the agony, the torture, his body being shred to pieces from one second to another. He was only fixxed of wanting to save Meliodas, and it was honestly what kept his sanity intact.

Then he saw it, a grand throne as he dared to step closer. Before him was a giant, wearing a grand silver armor with a gigantic sword wrapped between his gauntlet covered arms. He towered above him like a mere insect yet he’d just stop at nothing to reach his goal.

“It surprises me that a human was capable of reaching the capital of this place.” He couldn’t really hear his voice anymore with the feeling of fulfilment swelling within him. He had went through hell, yet whatever kind of shit was set before him it was nothing compared to the pain he gave to his bestfriend and the pain he went through.

Fuck, he was going to punch that piece of shit after all of this.

Then they’d drink alcohol all over again, laugh again and things would finally be the same.

And that’s all he’ll ever want.

“I’ve finally found you.” Ban uttered with his usual cheerful tone, a grin managing to lift itself over his face despite all that he just went through.

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