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So it's smut
Or lemon
Whatever you want call it
How many of you guys forgot this was a lemon story? XD
Either way- it's Sebastian.
So is all good ;D *Wiggles Eyebrows*

Okay story time bai
Your POV(heheheh have fuuuun)

~3 hours prior~

*Knock Knock* "(Y/N), are you ready?! Everybody's waiting!!!" Through the door I hear a gentle voice, must be Violet. "Yeah, can you come in and make sure I look okay?!" The door clicks and Violet walks in, stopping in her tracks, tears start to well up in her eyes, and I go over to embrace her. She whispers in my ear "You look so beautiful...your parents would be proud."

Tears start to prick my eyes as well and I regain my composure. "I know they would." I smile and grab my bouquet
'Especially since I know how they already approve of Sebastian'


As me and Violet got closer to the courtyard- I could hear music...and my nerves set in. 'What is Sebastian says no?! What if-' but I cut myself off there. 'Of course Sebastian will say yes...he wouldn't have been there for you through all this if he didn't love you.' Violet walked to the doors arm-in-arm with Agni- he was actually quite nice, though Soma kinda gets on my nerves at times.
I see them reach the altar, and I let out a breath.
'Time to get married'
Everybody's standing up. Looking at me. Looking over at Sebastian, all my fears go away. I've never seen him so...ecstatic, It was wonderful!
I laugh a little and give a tiny wave over to him. He does the same and I see the Baroness glare at me...waving probably wasn't the most...lady like thing to do at a wedding, but I don't care.
Making my way up the Isle my heart is beating in my ears, and I keep my eyes on Sebastian, he's always been able to keep me calm around crowds.
The next thing I know. Sebastian has already said his I-Do's and everybody's waiting on me. Sebastian looks at me, our hands are entwined, and I don't stutter. I don't waver in my words.

"I Do"

"You may kiss the bride"

Our lips collide and he snakes his arms around me, dipping me like we were dancing. I hear a couple of the men in the pews whistle and I laugh.

I whisper "I love you Sebastian Michealis." Out of breath.

" I Must say... (Y/N) Michealis...I could get used to that name"
Blushing, Sebastian lets me up and I look up at everybody, right before he grabs my hand and we run out of the courtyard, laughing while people throw rice. Cheesy as it may all sound. It was the perfect wedding.

~Present Time~

Sebastian helped me out of the carriage, and I look over at the beach, but don't get a very good look before he snatched me up bridal style and started walking over to the cottage where we would be staying.

"My, My. A little impatient are we Lord Michealis?" He smirks and opens the door, "Maybe- I would think you re the same my love." I giggle and he put me down. Going back outside to retrieve the luggage from the carriage. As soon as he leaves I scramble to the bathroom and grab my costume and some make-up from the drawer...I may have had Violet arrange to bring a couple things here before we arrived ;D.

I locked the door and looked at my Lingerie...It was black and (whatever colour you want),lacy...and...well- Cat. Sebastian loves I had Cat Lingerie made for me to wear...
It had a headband that had Cat ears on it, a push-up bra and the underwear had a cat tail attached to it.
I throw on my costume and do what I could with my hair and make-up in the short time I have. Looking in the mirror I have to admit. I looked Hot.

A Demons Bride: Sebastian Michealis x Reader Lemon(Sequel to A Demons Lost Love)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora