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Although at first the clear intrusion of the serpents was an unfair burden in Cheryl's eyes , she had started to warm up to them. They had a unique fashion sense that was a breath of fresh air from boujee ass Veronica Lodge and basic Betty Cooper. She had started to let her thoughts linger on a specific serpent , Toni Topaz. Toni's pink hair could be seen from across the hallway and Cheryl often made a secret game out of looking for it. Everybody knew that Cheryl loved red , it was her color and it was Jason's color. That's why she loved it. What they didn't know is that she loved pink. Pink was a color she would never get tired of. But pink wasn't her color , it was obviously Toni's.

Cheryl managed to stay popular at Riverdale by creating drama and being unpleasant. She worked her way up the ladder by stepping on everyone else. It was a lonely road. Cheryl didn't have any real friends. Nobody wanted to hang out with her and nobody really knew anything about her. When she went home she had to deal with the fact that her mother was basically a prostitute and didn't care for her wellbeing. This was no way to live. Behind the scenes , she was depressed and lonely. At school she was seemingly popular and had it all. If Cheryl had just one person she could talk to , maybe everything would change.

This Tuesday , it was particularly hard to deal with this Loneliness. As she pretended to look in her locker during passing period, she scanned the hallway for the bouncing pink waves she grew fond of. After a few minutes of searching and not succeeding , she felt her loneliness start to reach a boiling point and she ran to the restroom. She found the nearest stall and began to sob. This would be so much easier if Jason was still here. Her lip started to tremble and suddenly she heard a knock on the stall. I could've sworn I was alone , she thought. "Someone's in here!" she yelled with an obvious tone. The knock continued. "Whatever. I'm almost done anyways." She huffed.

She threw open the door to see Toni Topaz standing there with a concerned look on her face. "Cheryl , I heard you crying." Cheryl was taken aback. "That's certainly none of your business. Get out of my way." Cheryl tried to get past Toni. Toni didn't budge. She just kept staring at Cheryl with those thoughtful , brown eyes. "You're hurting. You can talk to me." For a second , Cheryl almost allowed herself to get lost in those eyes. "I can't!" Cheryl looked like she was about to start crying. Then , she straightened out and her face got stiff. "Move , sapphic serpent. NOW." Toni gave up and got out of Cheryl's way and started to walk out of the bathroom. Cheryl watched her pink waves move back and forth on her flannel as she walked out the door.

When the day was over , Cheryl laid in bed and though about Toni and her mesmerizing eyes. She got out her sketchbook and drew Toni in all her glory. Every last detail of Toni had to be perfect , her brown comforting eyes , her bouncy pink waves, her perfect lips. She spent the whole night sketching Toni. It was the most beautiful picture Cheryl had ever drawn. She looked at the time , 3:00 AM. She had to be up in 5 hours! She drifted off to sleep leaving the picture on her nightstand.

Cheryl awoke to her stone faced , fiery haired mother standing above her. "Mother , to what do I owe this pleasure?" She yawned , sarcastically. "I found this on your nightstand." Penelope Blossom announced , holding the drawing up like crime scene evidence. Cheryl cowered under her. "Mom , I can explain" Penelope did not look like she had any patience for reasoning. " I will not allow this deviance. It  will stop at once or it will be stopped." Penelope demanded. Cheryl looked like she had seen a ghost. "Yes , mother." Penelope took the drawing and ripped it in half. It floated to the ground. "I'm doing this for you." As soon as Penelope left Cheryl's room , she began to sob. Cheryl grabbed the two halves of the drawing and put them in her sketchbook.

Cheryl went through her locker this time , not looking for her pink haired muse. All she could think about was how she didn't want to go home. There was a movie she wanted to see out in theaters. A movie would get her out of the house and take her mind off of things. She went through the school day feeling like a zombie. Even keeping her loyal subjects in check felt like a chore. She would give anything to finish a bucket of popcorn right now. When school was finally over she practically burst out the door. The popcorn was calling her.

Cheryl was on her way to theater 4 with a large bucket of popcorn , twizzlers and a cherry coke when she spotted her. She could spot that pink haired beauty from a mile away. For a second , she let herself stare. Toni was wearing a fishnet top with a bralette underneath and some skinny jeans. She was breathtaking. "Cheryl!" Cheryl realized that she had been staring for way more than a second. "Do you need help with that?" Toni asked. "No ! I'm perfectly capable of holdin- " Cheryl commanded as she dropped her twizzlers. "Let me help you." Toni said. "Fine." If Cheryl could cross her arms right now , she would be.

"What movie were you going to see?" Toni asked. "Everyday" Cheryl blushed. "Me too! I loved the book and I'm a sucker for romance. Are you on your own?" Cheryl tried to make up an excuse. "Yeah." "Would you mind if I sit with you?", Toni asked. Cheryl was panicking. She wanted this so bad. But, if her mother found out she'd be in huge trouble. For a second , she looked into Toni's comforting eyes. For a minute she let herself imagine what it would be like to spend some time with her pink haired muse. "I'd love that." Cheryl said.

Cheryl and Toni sat in the middle of the theater  and got comfy as they prepared for the movie. "It's freezing in here! I wish I would've brought a jacket." Cheryl said. "I'm not very cold. I brought my serpents jacket. You can wear it as long as you don't mind being a serpent for a few hours." Toni winked. Cheryl smiled warmly and grabbed the jacket from Toni. "Thank you." She pulled the leather jacket over her shoulders and let her red locks fall on top of it. "You look hot." Tony gasped. Cheryl turned red. "Well , I'm not cold anymore!" She laughed.

The movie started and honestly , Cheryl didn't read the book so she had no idea it was gonna be this sad or romantic. She was crying harder than anyone in the room. During one of the romantic scenes , she looked at Toni to see her reaction. Toni was smiling and the light from the screen was reflecting onto her beautiful eyes. She was a goddess. Toni's hand was on her thigh and it was moving closer to Cheryl. Cheryl practically threw the popcorn below the seat. She put her hand on her own thigh seeing if it would make Toni's move closer. It didn't. She gave up and started to grab for the popcorn and then Toni grabbed her hand and held it in hers. Cheryl was in shock the butterflies she felt could fly her to the moon. She gently pressed her head in to Toni's shoulder. Toni smiled. The most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

Cheryl could care less what was on the screen , Toni was more beautiful. She pretended to watch only so she could take in this beautiful moment. Before she knew it the movie was over. "What did you think ?" Toni asked. "It was .. beautiful." She blurted. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Toni giggled. For a minute, they sat in silence admiring each other. Toni sat looking at Cheryl's kind brown eyes, her beautiful pink lips curling up into an amazing smile and fiery hair trickling down her shoulders. Cheryl could never get enough of Toni's amazing comforting eyes and her plump lips that she longed for so much. Not to mention her beautiful pink hair. "I had an amazing time." Cheryl said. "I never though I'd hear that coming from you." Toni smirked. Cheryl stared at Toni's pink lips , like freshly bloomed flower petals. She was mesmerized. "If you want to kiss me , you can." Toni laughed.

Cheryl was surprised by how blunt she was. Oh, how bad she wanted to. "Nobody knows that I'm like this ." Cheryl frowned. "Like What? Into girls." Toni scoffed. "Nobody can know." Cheryl shushed her. "It'll be our little secret." Toni said seductively. She grabbed Toni by the waist and pulled her close until their stomachs were touching. She ran her fingers through Cheryl's hair and gently guided her into a kiss. Toni's lips were as soft as flower petals and they fit perfectly in Cheryl's. Cheryl didn't care who saw anymore all she cared about was how good Toni's lips felt pressed against hers. Cheryl let out a soft moan and grabbed onto Toni's hair. Toni laughed.

"CHERYL!" Cheryl cowered at the sound of her mother's voice. She didn't know how she'd found her. She looked at Toni in horror. "I have to go." Penelope Blossom was standing at the entrance of the theatre and had seen everything. This was not going to be fun.

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