Ch 7.

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"You guys finally made it!" Peighton giggled, giving me another hug once Michael and I approached the table at the restaurant. I was still holding Michael's hand, but when Peighton came in for a hug, he gave it a gentle squeeze before letting go. We had arrived shortly after they had, but to avoid anyone from questioning why Michael's eyes were red and puffy, we sat in the car for a good twenty minutes more. I rolled my eyes and gave a laugh.

"Traffic." I said with a shrug, taking a seat next to Peighton. Michael followed, sitting to my right and Calum was across the table from me, in between Ashton and Luke. You can guess where Alex was sitting. Everyone was having a great time, laughing and talking about random things. Michael didn't talk much while we waited for our food, his mind on other matters. When he did, it was a small comment or a fake chuckle at something someone said. Calum threw a piece of bread at me when he noticed I wasn't paying much attention to one of his jokes. Michael had his forearms rested on the table, playing with the end of his napkin and staring at his drink. I nonchalantly, scooted my chair closer to his. No one seemed to noticed besides him and he leaned in closer. With my face covered my his, I put my lips up to his ear.

"You're making it quite easy for people to notice there's an issue." I whispered, frowning when all he did was nod and pull away. He was about to say something else, when suddenly my dad and Anna rose out of their seats. Anna looked giddy and excited and my dad smiled down at everyone. I looked at my mother who sat on the other side of Michael. She gave me a sympathetic look. All she had to do was nod and I froze. My face turned beet red and my ears started ringing. My blood boiled with sheer anger and betrayal.

"Anna and I have an announcement to make." My dad started. Anna gave me an almost evil grin. "Anna and I are getting married."

Nobody said a word. The boys looked confused, knowing that Anna was not my mother and considering the fact that they knew nothing about my life at home, I wasn't surprised. My anger grew into pure hatred and I stood up, almost knocking my chair down in the process. I hunched over the table, slamming my palms down onto the wood and staring at my fingers. Michael and the rest only watched me and said nothing. Tears of annoyance brimmed at my eyes and I stood up straight and pointed a finger in both there faces. They were sat on the other side of Leo and Peighton. My voice was low and raspy.

"This is bullshit." I said, letting the tears poor down my cheeks.

"Kleo-" Peighton stood and tried to comfort me but I pulled away. I didn't want to be touched and she looked hurt, but she understood, slowly sitting back down with a sigh.

"This is not your day. This day is about me. I'm graduating, I'm starting my life, I'm an adult now. This day is not about you and that...that thing you're going to be calling your wife." I spat.

"Kleo, don't you dare insult her that way. This day is-"

"This day is sure as hell NOT about you. How dare you, dad. How dare you ruin my graduation with news I have no desire to here. Go to hell, both of you." I snapped. With my ears ringing and my brain running thoughts at a thousand miles per hour, I ignored Alex and Peighton and my mom shouting at me to come back. I was full on sobbing by the time I walked out into the cool evening air. I slid down the brick wall of the front of the restaurant and pulled my knees close to my chest. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. It seemed as if it would never stop. A few women walking in asked if I was ok and as I looked up to answer, I was interrupted.

"I'm sure she'll be alright ladies. Thank you." Michael said. They nodded and walked in to the restaurant, leaving me and Michael alone for the time being. Seeing him, standing above me and looking down at my pathetic self made me cry harder. He looked good in his stupid tux, with his stupid pink hair and his stupid pretty green eyes. His stupid goofy personality with his stupid giggle and his stupidly beautiful voice. His stupidly cute pink lips that I knew I couldn't have that looked so kissable. I was angry at my dad, at Michael, at Anna, at everyone. However, I was most mad at myself. I was so stupid and he was so stupid and together we were just two stupid teenage wannabe punks with no lives.

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