Casey x Reader

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Ugh.  Not detention.  I wasn't there often, but so far, every time I'd been there, it'd been a bad experience.

Mr. Brown raised his eyebrows as I handed him my detention slip. "How did you end up getting detention, Miss (L/n)? You'd be the last person I'd expect to be in here," he pointed out.

I shrugged. "I was late for Mrs. Fewitt's class since I couldn't find my textbooks. She automatically gave me detention," I sighed.

Mr. Brown nodded understandingly. "She does get roused easily, doesn't she?" he agreed.

I placidly took my seat near the front and took inventory of the room. It was the school's typical group of troublemakers. That's when I spotted him. Casey Jones.  Go figure.  I tried not to sigh.  He was probably in here every other day. He was bad news. And unfortunately for me, he had taken a liking to me. He wasn't very discreet about it, either.

He flashed a cocky grin my way when we both locked eyes. I nearly rolled my eyes at him, but my polite demeanor stopped me.

Mr. Brown looked down suddenly at his phone. "Oh, dear," he sighed. "It looks like I might have to step out for awhile for this one. (Y/n), you're in charge." He left abruptly. He had always been a pretty laid back teacher, but leaving and putting me in charge?  This day just kept getting better and better.

After he left, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do, so I decided to take a seat facing the rest of the class. A few kids glared at me, but I just returned their stare with an intense look myself, and they soon looked away. I was beginning to think this was a pretty easy job, when a small piece of paper hit me on the head.  Grumbling, I uncrumpled it and scanned the hastily scrawled message.

This is super mega boring.
Come sit with me so we can talk.

I raised your eyebrows at him, very unimpressed. Luckily for me, no one else was even paying attention to what I was doing anymore.  He beckoned me over with his hand. He actually looked like he genuinely wanted to have a (somewhat) decent conversation. I decided to oblige with his request, and got up to sit in the desk next to him.

"Alright, Jones. What do you want to talk to me about?" I inquired.

He observed me calmly with his brown eyes and lopsided grin. "I don't know. Anything really," he replied nonchalantly.

I rolled my eyes.  Guess I was wrong about having a decent conversation.  "Fine. How'd you get detention?" I pried.

"Aw, I was just messing around in Trig class," he said, as he threw another piece of paper, this one landing perfectly in the trash can. He pumped his fist. "Casey Jones scores!" he cheered. "What about you? How'd a sweet thing like you wind up here?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes again at his description of me. "I was late for English," I huffed.

Casey laughed a little at my frustration. "Ha! Mrs. Fewitt get mad at you? Why didn't you just tell her you couldn't find your book?"

"Well, I-" I paused for a second, then narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Wait a minute. I never told you I couldn't find my book," I pointed out.

Casey's eyes widened a little. "Well, uh, I mean, I just figured, you know-"

Suddenly, realization hit me. "Casey, did you take my book?" I accused. He looked down at his new piece of paper. "You did!" I gasped. "Why would you do that?"

His face reddened a little from shame. "I just wanted to get to talk to you, you know?" he said quietly.

I crossed my arms, trying not to lose my temper. "Why couldn't you have just come up and talked to me like a normal person, huh?  Alright, so what do you want to tell me? What is sooooo important that you had to get me landed in detention?" I fumed.

Stuck in DetentionWhere stories live. Discover now