Adoption Part1

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Julian's POV 

I woke up when Mrs. Hampson started yelling at me to get ur lazy butts up or your going to get a beating. So I quickly got up and got dressed in this outfit.(up Above) And my hair wavy. This was my only descent outfit so i saved because  I always were it when a person is getting to adopt someone. I didn't plan on getting adopted because I always get token back. Ive been adopted 20 times and token back 20 times.After i got dressed I went down stares and Mrs.Hampson said want every girl who is 10 to 19. So i went in a group but I stood with my head down. When he gets down the line he said Logan: HI my name is Logan: and IM 22. Julian: HI I'm Julian and I'm 18. Logan: OK so tell me about you?! Julian:Well i love to draw and i can sing but I'm not that good. Logan:are you shy around people? Julie: Sometimes but i can live with it and only around people that are mean to me. Logan: ok great talking to you bye. Julie: bye! I knew i wasn't going to get adopted so i just left to go upstairs. The little ones asked me to sing to them so i did I sung concrete Angel. .

Logan's POV 

So this morning I just felt like I needed a child and of Course  i cant get a women but i can adopt.So I asked Jeff. Logan: hey do you think that I can adopt an kid for more people to like me when Kylie Genner did she blew up. Jeff:yeah but make sure you take care of her\he. So after I asked him 8 went to the closest a oprpghan center and asked the lady and she said transit let me call them down. Lady:10-19 girls get down here. So about 16 girls came down but one caught my eye she didn't ware makeup like the others so visited her first and asked her basic questions. After I said bye she went upstairs. I told the lady tha5 I want to adopt Julian. Lady:finnal6btha5 bitch is going t9 get out of here.but you will brolly bring her cock like the other 20 parents.I was shocked that she has been adopted more than 10 times and been token back. But I went upstairs and herd better voices then why don't we that's impossible. So I went in the room it was coming from and it was Julian singing to young kids.So she stopped and said bye to the kids and said 8 know I'm terrible. Logan:no girl you good and I'm adopting u if that's OK? Julie:yeah it OK. So I went down stairs and told her that were going to ur new house.

Julian's POV

when we got home he said there's ur room and I know ur tired so you can sleep. So I got under my covers a fell into a deep sleep.

Hope u like it I'll post daily if I don't have stupid homework bye
525 words💜💙💛💚💗💖

Adopted By Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now