Gunshot Part 2

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MY pov still...... 

Recap of last time 

Then there was a gunshot! 

I looked at my stomach and felt coldness. I fell on the ground and yelled :WHAT THE HELL FUCK YOU BITCH! i got up and The boys said :HOw are you doing that u got shot! me :IDK BUT I DOESENT HURT!  

Then i went over to the dude who shot me and took off his mask and found out it was my Bestfriend! 

Me:OMG hey my dude!   Gabby:HEYYYYYYYY GIRLY! Then we hugged and Jack said :What the HELL is going on she just Fuckin shot u dude! ME :i never go anywhere without a bullet proof vest on and she knows it and she just tested me if i was staying to my life! Gabby :and yeah u did! Jack :So u didn't get just! ME :no i just go a bruise from the bullet. Logan :you are a weird child! ME :i am not weird i am a unicorn! Gabby :that is the def of weird Me :dont u think i already know that! Gabby :NO! Then i go and tackle her and said :u do not say no to me young lady! I said in a play full voice Gabby :ok mother deary! ME :ahahahahaahah! we laughed for like 5 minutes. I laughed so hard i was crying! i got up and laughed even more. Then i fell down laughing! I stopped after 20 minutes and i got up and said :ah good times! Gabby "dude i never seen u laugh that hard! me :i have when i was reading member and i quote :I CUP OF JONAH IS GOOD FOR MY SOUL! Then i fell on the floor laughing so hard! Gabby :or this! We looked at each other and yelled :i ant ganna do u landery i ant your mama! BUT you are my momma mom u need to stop listening to jernfery Lopez!  


AYEOOO my dudes well i am to lazy to write a cliff Hanger so there you gooooo!

Adopted By Logan PaulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang