o2. C H A P T E R T W O

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Yongguk's eyes fluttered closed as he puffed the smoke from his lips. The affects of the drug causing him to spiral into euphoria.

His pants became tighter by the minute as the half naked woman danced on his lap.

The music blared, not giving anyone a chance to think as it forced them to dance. The smell of alcohol ran strong throughout the entire building, you couldn't get away from it, not even in the bathrooms.

He threw his head back as she began to grind on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and watched as he crumbled under her.

Youngguk's makeout session was interrupted when Himchan and DaeHyun walked in, they rushed in with their heavy boots and their long dark coats.

They automatically went to their leader's usual booth. They stood before him bearing unwanted news.

"What is it?" He lifted his eyes to the two men and pushed the half naked woman aside. He sat up and puffed more smoke.

Himchan and DaeHyun exchanged glances, trying to figure out who would be the one to tell him first.

"The vamps. We spotted two of them on the southside." Said Himchan with hesitation in his voice.

"What fuckin business do they have over here?" Yongguk stood slowly.

"I don't know." DaeHyun inputed. "We just saw them in the cemetary."

"And that's where they're gonna be for eternity." He growled as he threw his jacket over his shoulder.

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