•Midnight Smokes•

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Rayne Jones was working another late shift at Pop's, trying to bring in any extra money she could in hopes to bail her father out of jail sooner rather then later. The seventeen year old was mindlessly cleaning the counter, rubbing circles into the granite top as she stared out the window.

  The sound of a  motorcycle engine tore her away from her thoughts, a smile played on her lips as she quickly removed the name tag that said "Annabelle" and shoved it into her apron pocket before calling out to Pop "I'm going to take a smoke break, Pop. I'll be back in five!"

  "Take as long as you need, Rayne" Pop Tate called back from the kitchen area, shaking his head at how hard the young girl worked. Rayne hadn't heard him because by the time he had said that she was already out the door and latched onto her best friend and fellow serpent; Sweet Pea.

  "Miss me that much, princess?" Sweet Pea teased the dark haired girl with a smirk.

   Rayne rolled her eyes as she let go of the taller boy, patting down his jacket pockets in search of his cigarettes and lighter. She soon found them and placed one of the sticks into her mouth, raising her eyebrow towards Sweet Pea as she lit the end. "Take a picture, Sweets. It'll probably last longer then this friendship"

  Sweet Pea feigned hurt as he rolled his eyes, knowing that Rayne was joking with him. The two had known each other for years, since second grade, there was no way their friendship would ever break. "Ouch, Jones. That hurt alot"

  "Poor Baby" Rayne laughed as she patted his cheek. "You know i love your dumbass"

  "Sure" Sweet Pea huffed out as he got onto his bike, a smirk on his lips.  "I'll see you later, princess"

  "Where the fuck do you think you are going, asshole?" Rayne demanded as she quickly snatched the keys to his trailer off of his neck before shoving them into her bra.

  "Excuse me, I'm going home" Sweets stated in a duh like voice.

  "The fuck you are." Rayne began slowly. "I've been here all damn day without any company now get off that bike and take your ass inside"

  "Is that an order?" Sweet Pea questioned slyly.

  "Now!" Rayne growled out, a small pout on her lips as she took a drag of the cigarette.

  "Do you want me here or do you just want company?" Sweets chuckled.

  "I just need a ride home, dad's bike was taken by the cops " Rayne admitted with a laugh as she watched Sweet Pea turn pink.

  "Of course you do, princess " he sighed dramtically before taking the cigarette from her hand and taking a hit. "But as my queen wishes, i shall do"

  Rayne rolled her eyes as she shook her head, her long french braids moving as she did so. "Don't start with that serpent shit." She groaned. "Im so tired of being  the fucking leader. I am going to bail daddy out just so he can have his brownie pointing bastards back, except you. I think I'll keep you"

  Sweet Pea didn't know why but he felt his cheeks turn bright red when she said that. "How thoughtful"

   Rayne took the last drag of the cigarette before throwing it on the ground and turning towards the restaurant.  "Come on"

  Groaning in boredom Sweet Pea followed the serpent girl without a word, like a puppy.


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