132*To the person who would be my friend with benefits

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To the person who would be my friend with benefits
It's so hard to trust someone I know
Especially when it comes to sharing a moment
But friend, all I ask is to believe in me just once and I'll show what it is like to trust the right person.

On the days you feel lonely,
Let's make ourselves happy and
Let's talk about memories that hurt.
I know many people judge already when you say, no strings attached.
But I'll be that one person to not judge you.
I don't really know till when this goes on,
But the moment you say you are done,
I won't force you anymore.
Because I know, friends with benefits is not permanent, that you have to move on, that you will find someone you love.
So till the time you are broken, you are not into connections,
Till the time you want to just be physical let's be friend who trust each other so much,
Who fulfill each other's desires
Let's be friends with benefits.

Written by Sharad

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