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Young love

My friend Sarah and I are sleeping peacefully . Suddenly your alarm clock starts with 106.1 BLI  in the morning. Suddenly you hear :
"Hey Long Island ! it's jack. Corbyn, Daniel. Jonah. And Zach and we're why don't we, we are doing an appearance at walt whitman mall later today. see ya there !"
Announcer : wanna win VIP meet & greets ???!!! the first hundred fans!!!!!!
You girls can't contain your excitement !

I decide to tweet Daniel (since he is your favorite),but I doubt he'll see it. As you leave the house, your phone goes off . Zach retweeted your tweet from last night saying,@Casemax_laxchick can't wait to meet you. Bring your pretty little self down here ! Haha!"
You show Sarah, you and Sarah squeal with excitement and drive as quickly as you can to walt Whitman mall, in order to see the boys .

( in your friend's car and it's a short drive )
At the mall : there are soooo many girls among Sarah and I . There are sooo many people , you think you will be in the same spot forever! I see no sign of them yet. Just then a finger taps you on the shoulder .
Its my rival from school : Missy Thompson . Oh boy , did she pick on me for every little thing that was wrong with me. She hate my guts . Good thing the feeling is mutual
" OMG look who came to join us girls ? The freak is here!!!!" Missy says to her minions that follow her around like lost puppies.
You don't scare me so leave me alone
Missy: " well you can't be here .Casey you will never be at level !!! "
At least we know who who the dumbest of the all is
I turn around and to see where the voice came from.... It is ..... Zach Herron from why don't we. Omg
You would think of screaming but just stared at him for a good 10min .
Zach : " you girls better come with me if you want to live " he says smiling grabbing your hands. " You girls must be the VIP ?" . Zach
Still in shock, you girls say nothing . He leads sarah and I out the back entrance of the mall , and to a big black van . I wonder how no one has recognized us leaving with Zach Herron. Finally, Zach is alone with us in the back lot of the mall. There were sooo many people that they had to cancel the signing , but that didn't stop us from seeing the boys. Suddenly Sarah says," where did you come from and how did you get here sooo fast!"
Zach laughs a little ,
" so which one of you is casemax_laxchick on twitter ?" He says as he pulls out his phone . I wander what could be so important on his phone !
I tell him that it is my twitter , but Sarah tells him her twitter . He looks up and smiles at you, then says, "go check your notifications,beautifuls !" You both do as you are told and you start to freak when you read out loud ," just followed you ! "
:" what the fuck , did you just follow us right in front of us ??!"
" yup, I love your tweets to each other , they're really funny . When I read them , they make me smile and laugh, but mostly I just laugh. The conversations between you two are just hilarious ."
Sarah : " you read our tweets ??!!!! Why? We are literally sooo mean to each other ! " she says with a laugh.

then he laughs and explains that he is taking you two to see the other boys. We arrive at the parking lot of the mall and I see the boys in front of a big Suburban and four familiar look guys standing in front of it . They all similar . The third boy with dark brown hair slicked back to the left side of his face, holding two bouquets of flowers. That ladies, is the love of my life Daniel James Seavey .They introduce themselves individually .

All the boys laughed and you can't help but to notice that Daniel was looking at me . I could tell he was studying my every move like a hawk . My ever move interested him . Like a lion stalking his prey.
No it can't be, i thought .
Daniel makes his way toward me and just looked at me longer.
What is his problem now you think.

" Hey I'm Daniel , what's your name ?"
"Y/ N and I already knew your name Daniel "
"Well would you like to sit next to me in the back ??"
Im surprised to hear from him.
"Yeah sure " you reply calmly
Then we all pile into the car and Zach is in the passenger seat. Jack has a row to himself Sarah is in between Jonah and Corbyn. I felt so bad for her, sitting next to her two favorite boys
" where are u taking us ? THIS IS CHILD ABDUCTION !!! Wth ?!!!" asked Sarah
"You'll see " said Corbyn turning to her
Daniel and I are in the way back talking and laughing . Just then he puts his hand on my thigh .
" you know,your actually quite beautiful" he whispers in your ear and you smile at him and he smiles back . Daniel says , "you can put your head on my shoulders " singing the the last part
" I'm actually a bit of a germophobe , so I'm good thank you "
Daniel : " no come on y/n I mean it !" .
I shrug and lay down on his lap (turning upward to look at Daniel's beauty ) looking into big brown eyes and i fall asleep on his lap . He wakes me up when we arrive at their hotel . Like a gentleman , he lifts me out of the car and takes my hand in his then kisses the back of it . I blush a little . Okay a lot ;)
"Aww your sooooo cute when you blush " Daniel says smiling his cute gap tooth smile that you adore and beautiful blue eyes.
The boys take us up to their rooms

End of part one

IN TOO DEEP (A  DS /wdw fan fic ) ** UNDER CONSTRUCTION 🚧 **Where stories live. Discover now