Chapter 1

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Just a normal day at the daycare,Ryu Is taking Care of the little children while kamitani is busy playing baseball.Ryu is ready to go to class while Hayato is cathing Up."Oh Hi Kamitani"Said Ryuu with a gentle smile.Kamitani just glance at him.
-On Their Way To Class-
"H-Hey Ryuu!"Said One of his classmate,"C-Can You Help Me With something?"said his classmate.
"Oh,sure"Said Ryuu "H-hey kamitani would you mind go to the daycare first?" Ask Ryuu.Hayato glance at the boy 'wait is that guy smirking? There's no way im leaving ryuu with this Weirdo' Said Hayato in his mind."H-Hello? kamitani?"."Its okay i'll come with you Usaida and the kids can wait"
Said Hayato with his death looks,looking at his classmate.

-Some Time Later-

"Hey Ryuu i'll meet you at the daycare i got some practice to do.i might be a little late" Said Hayato.
Hayato is feeling a bit guilty leaving Ryuu at the daycare With Usaida San Being Lazy And Those Kids to take care off
"Y-yeah i'll meet ya there" Ryuu Said Faking a smile and just that Looks Hayato was sure something was bothering him.

-After Playing Baseball-

Hayato's Pov
I feel like something was bothering him.i just want to comfort him Like a Friend would...beside's he already took care of Taka that little brat...i need to check on the daycare

Hayato went to the daycare quickly and saw that He was Sleeping with Taka and kotaro.Hayato Saw Ryuu shivers and he took the blanket off the shelves and Covers him.Kotaro Woke up and saw Kamitani put more blanket.
"Kami-Ni Happy" Hayato realized that kotaro was awake and gave him a smile while Picking up Kotaro And Read some books for him.

-Some Time Later-

Hayato's Pov
Its been 1 hour and Ryuu wont wake up i guess he's just tired by all the work he been trough

Ryuu Woke Up And saw kamitani and kotaro Reading books."Wow I've never seen you read books with kotaro before kamitani~" as he laugh."Shut Up Idiot" Said Hayato Embarresed

-The Next Day-

Ryuu went to drop off Kotaro at the daycare,and all of a sudden He feels dizzy."O-ow my head" Ryuu Said while rubbing his head.

-Ryuu Drop Off Kotaro and went to class but on the way...-

Ryuu Starts to feel clumsy and his vision was blurry and his headache starts to grow.Hayato Saw Him And Ran to him "Ryu are you okay?" Hayato asks."N-No" Ryuu Said Covering his mouth."You dont look so-" Hayato Got Cut Off In the middle of the sentance while Ryuu Collapsed."Hey Ryuu Wake Up.Wake up Crap he isnt Waking up" Hayato Pick him up and ran to the nurse's office.

-Hayato Breaks Down The Door-

"Check on him" Hayato said with his death glare.
"Okay but you need to stay out and we'll call you when we're done.

Hayato's Pov
'Oh God This is not okay maybe he's stressed out With all of his emotion and negative Thoughts'

-2 hours Later-

"Hayato you can come in" The nurse said.Hayato Walks in without hesitation."It Has Appeared That He Is Stressed out because of something and began to collapse" The Nurse Explains. 'I KNEW IT!' Said Hayato in his mind.
"He's not fully awake but you can talk to him" said the nurse happily.
"Okay Thanks" Hayato Said While The Nurse Leaves the office."Dammit you idiot why didnt you just told me" Hayato Looks at his Unconcious body.
Then Hayato starts to think 'wait why do i care so much about him? and why should i?' Hayato Leaves The room without a trace.'Maybe Because i care about him...' Hayato Thought."well i better pick up that idiot and kotaro i guess" While Hayato is on his way to the daycare he realized that Ryuu is On his own 'WAIT WHY DID I EVEN LEFT HIM?!WHAT IF A GUY COME'S NEAR?!?! WHAT IF HE NEEDS HELP?!?! WHAT IF.....he dies?' He ran to the nurse office and opens the door.He can see Ryuu Sleeping and a guy was peeping on him.'What The?!'
Hayato Smack the dude without hestiation."Ow dude what the hell?!?!"
Said The guy (he appears to be someone outside the school)
"Leave" Said Hayato."Fine Fine Whatever" He leaves

-The Nexy Day-

Ryuuichi's Pov
Ryuu was confused why is he in the nurse office and Kamitani Was Sleeping At the bed where i was in (not like sleeping beside each other like sleeping with hands ya know)
Ryuu Doesnt want to wake hime up he knows that probably his best friend would be annoyed...

Hayato Woke Up and see that ryuu is Singing a luluby...his voice was so beutifull ~Love Does Bloom...Like Sakura and cherry blossom in a honey moon~
"Ryuu,you have a beutifull voice you know" Said Hayato Truthfully "K-KAMITANI Sorry! I didnt know you were awake! Please Dont Hate Me"
Said Ryu Panicking."Ryuuichi! Calm Down your gonna get stressed again!" Said Hayato Shouting at him
"S-sorry...Im Really Sorry..." As He Tries to hide his tears
Hayato Now Know something is totaly bothering him
"Spill It Out"
"H-Huh? What Do You Mean?"
"You cant hide it from me forever I know something is bothering you"
Said Hayato Hugging Him.
"I'll Tell You Later" Said Ryuu As He Was Walks Away To Get Kotaro.
'He's Definetly Mad At Me'


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