Chapter One

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After getting off the carraiges we grabed our bags and yanked them up the 3 towering staircases and opened the door to the common room. We put our bags down on our beds and made our way down to the great hall. After a numerous amount of speeches and announcements we finally ate. We had a dinner of Lamb, potatoes, carrots, and pumkin juice to wash it down.

After dinner we hauled our selves upstars and climbed into bed. I layed in bed for quite some time until I looked at my watch and it read 12:00. I put on my slippers and robe, and headed to the forbidden forest lantern in hand. I entered the forest starting line I walked through the forest. I heard a noise rustling from the bushes. 

"Who's there?" I called "This is a demand not a thought!" 

"Owww!" A young handsom voice called from behind a group of bushes

I withdrew my wand holding it up along with my lantern "Who are you?" I demanded only seeing a sliver of his blonde white hair.

He slowly pulled off his hood. His blue eyes sparkling in the moon night along with his beautiful blonde hair. "Hello" he said. His voice, oh his voice, was the most beautiful things I could ever hear.

"H-H-Hi" I stammered "I-I'm E-Emily" 

"My name is Draco Malfoy the 4th" he stated 

"Why are you in the forest at this time?" he quesioned

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I asked you first" 

I told him that every night and midnight I wal down this trail if I can't sleep, and he said he was bored so he took a walk and tripped over some bushes because he forgot his lantern.  

"What house are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow

"Slytherin. I asume you're one too" 

"Actually" I replied sitting down on a tree stump "I'm a Gryffindor" 

"Yo-You're a Gryffindor? But you're so beautiful! 

"Thanks" I explained blushing like crazy. "I think you're cute too" 

I looked at my watch and it read 14:00. "I have to go" I explained 

"Well when will I see you next?" he called after me

I turned around to face him "Soon" I winked and made my way back to the dorm without getting caught, crawled into bed, and fell right asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2012 ⏰

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