First dream

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I was six and Jin hyung tucked me into bed

"Eomma, why does nobody want Kookie" I spoke with a pout.

"Kookie someone will want you, you're just too good for most people. But I will be your eomma until then" Jin smiled at me and then tickled me until I couldn't breathe.

"Hahah- JI- HAHAH- STOP"

"Okay okay, goodnight Kookie" he said and kissed my forehead and I turned over to sleep as he climbed onto the top bunk.

Jin eomma was 11 and was the only one who liked me in the orphanage, oh yeah I was an orphan. My parents died when I was 4 and I had been in the orphanage since and Jin was my only friend. Yet he was more like a mum than a friend but I was grateful for him.

I closed my eyes and went into a dream. A boy. He stood infront of me in the park.



"I'm jungkook nice to meet you"

"I'm Taehyung" he waved at me and smiled at me. He had the cutest boxy smile.

"I will call you tae tae" he blushed at the name.

"I like that, can I call you jungkookie?"
that name created a fuzzy feeling in my stomach

"I'd love that tae tae"

"You're taller than me, how old are you jungkookie" I smiled at the nickname.

"I'm six, seven tomorrow!" I hoped I was older than him so I could be his hyung.

"Haha I'm your hyung!"

"What?! How old are you" I sulked.

"I'm 9, today."

"ITS TAE TAES BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I ran to him and hugged him.

"Haha thank you Kookie"

"Wait there hyung!"

I ran to the shop as quickly as I could and got my five pounds out of my pocket. I saw a lion teddy. Perfect. I paid for it and ran back to tae.

"Tae! Tae!"

"Jungkookie! Where'd you go!"

"I got you something!"

I gave him the lion and he smiled and hugged it tightly.


"Hehe, really hyung?"


He embraced me in a tight hug.

"I have to go now Kookie, but I'll give you a quick present."

He let go of me and kissed me on the cheek and I went red and smiled as he ran away.




"Kookie? HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I heard jins familiar voice and he handed me a new toy car.

"Thank you jin hyung!"


And since that day Taehyung appeared in my every dream. I was now 16 and Jin worked in the orphanage since he didn't want to leave me. No one wanted me and I knew that all my life. I felt I was a burden to him no matter how much he tried to reassure me. Surely he wanted to go and live with his boyfriend already?

Really that was the least of my problems, I was bullied. Badly. So badly I'm moving schools and I start tomorrow. I was terrified and sure the same thing would happen. I tried to forget all of my worries and turned to my side. Falling asleep so I could dream about Taehyung again.


HELLO! I decided to make a new story and it's inspired by an edit by : cutetaeboy on YouTube.

I really thought I would make a good fanfic so here we are!

It's just inspired so it's quite different but make sure to give support to the edit 😊

Also let me know wether you want memes at the end of each chapter 🤔

Boy of my dreams • taekookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora