First day

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I woke up to my alarm ringing loudly and my thoughts of Taehyung faded away.

"Urg. School." I groaned and sat up rubbing my eye with a fist.

"Jungkook!" As my vision altered I saw jin running towards me with my uniform in his hands.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. It's my Kookies first day of his new school!"

"Hyungggg, you're acting like I've never been to school before!" I yawned

"But today is your new start, go and get ready in the bathroom and then come and show me!"

He was so much more excited than me, if anything I'd rather stay here and be unqualified and jobless. School is the bane of my existence. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and hated my look. But as I had to I put on my uniform and once again looked at myself. Fucking hell I didn't want to do this.

I'd never suited uniforms and it's not like I was wearing them anywhere good!

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I'd never suited uniforms and it's not like I was wearing them anywhere good!

I walked out slouching and Jin squealed when he saw me.

"Oh my gosh, my jungkookie! You look so smart!"

He walked up to me and straightened my collar. I brushed him off.

"Jin-hyunggg, it's fine!"

"Okay, Oh my gosh you'll be late! You better go to the bus stop now. Bye Kookie!"

"Bye jin!"

I said as I walked down the stairs towards the door. I looked at the younger kids and they were so lucky not to have any problems yet. I hoped they wouldn't have as many as me. I exited the house and walked towards the bus stop.

I arrived and sat down and plugged my earphones in. The one thing stuck in my mind was Taehyung. In my dream he had wished me a good day at school and even though he wasn't real it made me smile. My smile faded thinking of my old school.


I walked through the alley to get to my school with my head down, hoping no one would be there. With my luck of course there was. I didn't know who but they had the same blazer as me with a hoodie underneath. I prayed they wouldn't notice me.

I saw him start to walk towards me with two other people I also couldn't make out. Suddenly I was thrown against a shutter and he punched me in the stomach making me groan in pain.

"Ple-please st-stop"

"Why should we, no one wants you here, you're such a waste of space." They spat and continued to punch me in the gut several times.

They threw me onto the ground and kicked me in the head making me yelp in pain.

Their words circled around me.

"Nobody wants you"
"Screw up"

** end of flashback **

I shook my head trying to forget about those times. There was a high chance the same thing could happen again but I tried to listen to Taehyungs words from my dreams.

"You'll be okay"

"Make good friends for me"

"Make it your new start"

I looked up and saw the bus approach me. I stood up and held my hand out.

On the bus I sat at the back looking out the window. Someone came and sat next to me, making me feel uncomfortable.


I turned to face them and they had a big smile on their face, welcomingly.

"Hi" I took out one earphone.

"You look new, nice to meet you. I'm park Jimin."

"Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm jeon jungkook"

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"Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm jeon jungkook"

"That's a cute name"

I smiled at his comment.

"Awh! You have a bunny smile!

"What?! No I don't" I shook my head since I got made fun of for this at my old school.

"No. No. I like it!"

"Thank you".i felt relieved, he wasn't here to make fun of me.

"Anyway, is it your first day?"

"Urm.. yes. I'm quite nervous..."

"Awh, don't be. I will stay with you, let me see your timetable!"

I got it out of my blazer pocket and handed it to him. He studied it for a while before speaking up.

"We have the same lessons! except one, PE."

"Oh god. What day is that"

"I hate pe too, it's tomorrow"

I hated pe with a passion and it was the perfect opportunity for people to point out flaws about you.

"Don't worry jungkook, you'll be fine. Since we're friends will you sit with me and my friends at lunch?"


Friends. I've never had a friend before.


Helloooo, sorry it takes me long to update but here it is.

Also jungkooks age is 16 instead if you didn't check the change in the last chapter.

Thank you for reading, enjoy and please vote ☺️♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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