Erza and Fairy Tail

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Coral's POV

I woke up on a bed and wondered where I was. All I remember is, meeting some bandits, Mizu talking to them, killing one of them and that's it. I turn and see Mizu next to me sound asleep.

"Mizu. Mizu!" I called.

"Shut up Coral... I wanna sleep more...." she groaned.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"At a hotel. After the fight with the bandits, you were asleep so I wandered around until I found a small town. I booked this room for two nights....... now let me sleep....." Mizu answered, falling asleep again.

I got up and walked around the room, unsure what to do.

"Oh, I'll just walk around. Maybe I'll meet some people." I said out loud to myself.

I write a note to Mizu for when she wakes up. I put it on the nightstand and change into a blue shirt with black leggings, a black and white scarf, with blue flats. I put on the earrings that grandfather gave me instead of my usual silver earring. 

Leaving the hotel, I walk around and buy a milkshake. As I walk around, I talk with some people and find out we're in Magnolia. I see a girl wearing armor and walk up to her. She had lovely scarlet hair that kind of seemed familiar. I tap her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me but are there any guilds around here?" I ask.

The girl looks at me.

"Are you a mage?" she asks.

"Yeah, me and a friend are traveling and we need some money so I was thinking of getting some jobs from a guild." I answer.

"Then come to Fairy Tail. It's near here. We'll welcome you with wide arms. I'm sure you'll like it." she said.

Fairy Tail sounded familiar....

"Are you a mage too?" I ask.

"Yes I am. I'm from Fairy Tail. My name's Erza Scarlet." She said, holding out her hand.

Erza? That also sounded familiar.

"I'm Coral." I said, taking her hand. "You sound familiar.... I feel like I met you before, a long time ago......."

"Really? I feel like I met you too... Anyways, Would you like to come to Fairy Tail with me?"

"Sure." I said. 

Erza and I talked about what Fairy Tail was like. Soon we heard the guild before seeing it. I suddenly realized why the name Erza seemed familiar.

"Ohhhhh, Erza! remember me? We met a few years ago. I came with Mizu and we temporarily joined Fairy Tail during one of our adventures. Natsu and Lisanna were there along with Mira. And Laxus was really strong." I said, stars in my eyes. "It's me, Coral Dragonheart!"

"Dragonheart? OH! Coral, nice to see you again, how's Mizu, still chaotic as ever?" Erza asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. Is Fairy Tail still as crazy as ever?" I asked.

"Why don't you see for yourself." she said, standing in front of the guild.

"Haha, I don't even need to see it, I hear it," I said laughing. 

I take a deep breath and open the doors. I see a pink blur run up to me.


"Coral's back?"


"Master! Coral Dragonheart is back!"

"Coral? How you've been?" 

"Is Mizu with you?"

"Coral! FIGHT ME!!!"


Master comes out and I smile. He sees me and stares in shock.


"The one and only," I say bowing. Master shrinks and runs up to me.

"You're back! Is Mizu with you?"

"No, she's in the hotel sleeping. We're probably gonna temporarily join again." I explain. "Anyways. I need to go back now. I'll bring Mizu with me later. Bye."

"Bye Coral!"

"Be safe!"

"See you soon!"

"I will, bye."

I leave Fairy Tail and run back to the hotel. I go to the hotel room and see Mizu reading.

"Mizu! Mizu! I saw Erza and Natsu along with Fairy Tail today!"

"Fairy-ohhh, I remember....Let's go later." Mizu said. "I wanna see how Cana's doing"

"Okay." I said. "I'm gonna take a shower okay?"

"OK. By the way, did you buy me any food?" Mizu asks.


"...I'm gonna be out for a while."

"Okay." I walk into the shower and shower in my cat form. then I put on my usual clothes and sit on the bed.

"Well, this is gonna take a while...."

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