Chapter 20

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Jordyn's P.O.V

"Jay, please fuck outta my ear," I said getting mad. After what happened I don't understand how he had the nerve to call me

" You were talking about me, that light skin ain't treating you right?" Jay says, I rolled my eyes but realized that he can't see me

"They asked about you, I answered that's all there is to it,"  I said to Jay

" That's what you think, I know where you've been, just remember I never left L.A, let me know the next time you going grocery shopping, actually nevermind I'll find out again, Love you, baby," Jay said and with that, the call ended. I was now left in the bathroom to take in what Jay just said by myself.

I'll find out again, what the fuck does that mean, was he there with me at the grocery store, is that who was following me and if it was it's all making sense like how he found me at the shopping center, Jay's been following me, he probably knows where I live too. Without even realizing there were tears streaming down my face, I wasn't sobbing, I was completely quiet, at least I thought I was. 

Zion's P.O.V

The boys and I were chilling when all the girls came over to us. I wasn't mad at Jordyn anymore it was more her being mad at me, I understand where she was coming from I should have defended Jordyn instead of Jessica but she doesn't understand why I defended her and she never will. 

I guess Jordyn stopped being mad at me because she came and sat down on my lap which made me happy. We decided that we were going to go live, people in the live's comment section were asking about me and Jordyn. Jordyn was about to answer a question when she got a phone call, I didn't get to see who it was but the way she got up it seemed urgent. We were on live for another 10 minutes when in the comment sections everyone was asking where Jordyn went, I didn't realize how long it been since she left.

" Zion should go check on her" Alexys suggested, I nodded and went looking for her.

I checked the kitchen, nope, my room? no, the upstairs bathroom? nope. I started to lose hope, I checked everyone's rooms and around the whole house, no Jordyn. I was walking back to the living room when I heard small sniffling coming from the downstairs bathroom, duh. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Jordyn?" I asked while knocking, no reply, but the noise stopped

" Jordyn are you in there?" I asked again, still no reply

" Are you okay?" I asked, I was practically talking to the door but  that didn't stop me

" Do you want to talk about it?" I asked the door

" no" is all I heard in the softest voice ever

" Do you want me to go?" I asked concerned, she sounded hurt

" no" Jordyn reply, her voice still very soft. I smiled to myself because honestly, I didn't want to leave her like this.

"Are you going to let me in?" I asked while trying the doorknob to see if it was unlocked, it wasn't 

"no" Jordyn said again

" Jordyn please" I begged at the door while rattling the doorknob. I hear some moving then the sound of the door being unlocked. I open it and saw a tear-stained Jordyn, I don't know why but that really hurt me, I wanted to fight what made her this sad. She looked at my shocked and concerned expression and started crying again, I ran up to her and just hugged her, we just stood there, hugging.

                                                                                    TIME SKIP

Jordyn's P.O.V

Last night I ended up telling Zion what happened, he was mad, he wanted to find Jay and beat him up but I told him not to because knowing Jay that is exactly what he wants. I stayed the night because I said I didn't feel safe going home alone knowing that Jay probably knew where I lived, which was only a half-truth. I just really didn't want Zion to let go of me when we were hugging in the bathroom and I didn't want to leave him, I feel so safe when I'm with him.

I woke up to nobody besides me, I thought that I got one-night stood but then realized that made zero sense. I got up and went on my phone and saw that I had multiple notifications but the only thing that stood out was a text from Zion.

Zion💗: Morning, I left you a toothbrush and all that stuff in my bathroom, do whatever you need then come downstairs.

I smiled to myself and made my way to the bathroom, I closed the door and started to play some music and did all my bathroom stuff. I looked in the mirror looking at myself, I was wearing one of Zion's shirts and some of his basketball shorts since I didn't have any clothes here. I walked out the bathroom and walked towards Zion bedroom door, as soon as I opened it I was hit with a wave of bacon and eggs. I walked down the stairs and I heard a female singing, the singing sounded too familiar, and so did the song, maybe one of the girls are singing. When I got downstairs I walked into the kitchen to see  Zion cooking. I hugged him from behind. He turned around and hugged me back, uh oh, there goes that feeling of not wanting to let go, I eventually did.

" How was your sleep?" Zion asked me

" It was good, thank you for letting me sleepover," I say 

" No problem, what kinda boyfriend would I be if I said no," He said, this time he didn't put air quotes around 'boyfriend', which probably means nothing and I'm over analyzing it or does he really wanna be my boyfriend?

" A bad one," I said while walking over to the living room where everyone else was. As soon as I walk into the room I look at the T.V and see my newest Youtube video playing, everyone looks at me then Austin pauses it.

" What's going on?" I ask them  confused

" We had to do some research on you, wanted to make sure you're good for Zion," Edwin said

" You're a really good singer," Alexys says

"Thank you," I say, "so what did you find?"  I ask them intrigued

" Nothing really, just old videos," Fiffany says

" And stuff with Jay," Brandon says, Charlotte slaps his arm, he mouths 'what' and Charlotte just rolls her eyes

" Damn" Is all I say while walking back to the kitchen to see if Zion needs any help, I wasn't mad or anything just kinda sad that when people search me up Jay automatically comes up, I don't want him to be apart of my life, I'm going to have to deal with that eventually.

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