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clementine | tangerinechild
i'm really board right now so let's do some #askclementine because i'm a hip teenager
reagan | reaganthomas
never say that again
daisy | daisyridles
if you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you choose?

clementine | tangerinechild
galaxy, what did you expect?
mina | minawolfhard
if you could have any super power what would it be?

clementine | tangerinechild
to be able to turn invisible so i can avoid social interaction
sara | snoopywoopy
any upcoming projects?

clementine | tangerinechild
yes, i'll be working on a live action remake of a disney cartoon ;) keep your eyes peeled
daisy pt2 | daisyridles2
opinion on pineapple on pizza?

clementine | tangerinechild
it's weird, just like me. i don't like it but i support it's awkwardness
mina dos | minawolfhard2
if you had a child what would its name be if it was a boy? or a girl?

clementine | tangerinechild
for a boy, julian, and for a girl, liz short for lizard i mean elizabeth
billy | assholeguy
have you ever thought about breaking up with lucas

clementine | tangerinechild
lola | lolaprice
is clementine your real name?

clementine | tangerinechild

lucas | lucasjzumann

hey guys, do you think clementine is lying? she's really bored so she probably is. anyways, here's an early chapter. i'm really feeling creative right now so i'm working on a bunch of books (not a good idea) but i don't know if i'm going to post some of them yet. quick shout out to daisyridles and minawolfhard for commenting questions, i'll use the rest of them in a future q & a. and guys, you can literally ask questions about the book and maybe the characters will predict the future aka is clementine her real name?

clementine | lucas jade zumann [✓]Where stories live. Discover now